Tag Archive for: SkillBridge interns

Shawn McCoy successfully transitioned from military to civilian employment through the SkillBridge program. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

SkillBridge Program Puts Veterans To Work In Water Industry Jobs

When Shawn McCoy graduated from American Military University after 20 years of military service, he thought he’d become a park ranger. 

With a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and a concentration in fish and wildlife management and sustainability now under his belt, he was fully equipped to head into his new career. 

However, after his kids decided they wanted to stay in San Diego County, DOD SkillBridge — a program aimed toward connecting exiting military members with civilian work — redirected McCoy to an internship that satisfied both his family’s wishes and his desire to work in environmental science. 

SkillBridge Program Offers Valuable Work Experience To Veterans

After completing 20 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, Shawn McCoy sought job training through the SkillBridge program. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

After completing 20 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, Shawn McCoy sought job training through the SkillBridge program. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

During his 20 years in the service, McCoy worked as a helicopter mechanic for the U.S. Marine Corps and completed two deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq. In January 2023, he became a water resources intern for the San Diego County Water Authority, entering a completely different world. 

“I was so used to structure, but coming out, there’s obviously a lot more freedom,” said McCoy. “The Water Authority was a good way to reintroduce me to the real world when I got out. Something as simple as, ‘Do I have to check in with you when I go to lunch,’ were all things I had to get used to.” 

As a water resources intern, he took on roles that pulled from his environmental science education. In addition to his daily tasks of documenting, screening, and reviewing reports for the department, he went on field visits to monitor vegetation restoration and participated in construction projects. 

He also became acquainted with the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant during his time as a Water Authority intern — where he would later spend much of his time.

Water Authority Internship Leads To Water Industry Job

Shawn McCoy now works full time as an environmental resources manager for Channelside Water Resources LP at the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Shawn McCoy now works full-time as an environmental manager for Channelside Water Resources LP at the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

After hearing about a job opening at Channelside Water Resources LP, McCoy applied and was hired on as an environmental manager in July 2023, directly after his internship with the Water Authority. 

In his current role, McCoy manages day-to-day activities at the Carlsbad plant, including overseeing maintenance and operations and ensuring environmental health and safety. 

He credits his time at the Water Authority for his smooth transition into his role with Channelside. 

“The Water Authority is where I was first introduced to the water purchase agreement and how it ties to the desal plant,” said McCoy. “So, I got to learn about the desal plant prior to even coming into this role.” 

As for the future of his career, McCoy hopes to eventually go back to school to receive his master’s degree and work his way up to the director of operations. Thanks to SkillBridge and the San Diego County Water Authority, McCoy is already on the road to reaching those goals.  

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Marine Corps Veteran Shawntrel McCoy Finds His Perfect Fit in the SkillBridge Program

As Shawntrel McCoy closes out his 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, he’ll be spending his last six months pursuing his passion for environmental science in the SkillBridge Program at the San Diego County Water Authority. The program is helping military veterans transition to career-track training opportunities, including work in the water and wastewater industry.

There wasn’t originally a SkillBridge position in the environmental section of the Water Resources Department, but after discovering that the Water Authority was looking for SkillBridge interns McCoy decided it was worth looking into.

Marine Corps veteran lands at Water Authority

“That’s when I realized they [the Water Authority] had a whole webpage dedicated to SkillBridge. So that’s when I made the phone call and started working on the process,” McCoy said.

This phone call led to an interview, which ultimately landed McCoy his spot as the Water Authority’s newest SkillBridge intern. McCoy’s education – Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science with a concentration in Fish and Wildlife management and sustainability – gave him most of the background needed to start off strong in his new position.

SkillBridge Program a “win-win”

Since joining the federal program in June 2020, the Water Authority has had six SkillBridge interns working in various departments. The program is a win-win for both employers and the transitioning military service member – the military service member can work fulltime in a participating agency for the last 180 days of their active duty gaining valuable civilian work experience, and the employer gains early access to the extensive experience, skills, and unmatched work ethos service members bring to the workforce, all at a very low cost. The service member continues to earn his wages and benefits from the military during the internship.

Even though his official start date wasn’t until early January, McCoy opted to begin preparing for his role two months before his first day as a part of the SkillBridge program. The environmental section of the Water Resources Department is a very specific niche, McCoy said, and he didn’t want to spend more time than he had to “trying to play catch up.” McCoy remembers the support he received during these early months:

“There’s only two people under the environmental section and they’ve both taken me under their wings and have been mentoring me. Just yesterday we visited three different sites to make sure that they were close to being complete. They’ve been doing great with the mentoring aspect.”

Valuable training

With McCoy’s internship well underway, a typical day of work can involve anything from planning meetings with contractors, screening documentation and analyzing data as well as the occasional site visit, which McCoy said is his favorite aspect of the job. His main project right now is tied with the newly finished FRS II structure in Mission Trails Regional Park.

“I’m currently helping the contractors to implement revegetation at that site so all the bare soil, after five years, can establish native vegetation,” McCoy said.

A job in the water industry was an option that stood out to McCoy when he was going through school since it involved social, economical and environmental factors. What drew McCoy into working specifically in the environmental section of the Water Resources Department was the opportunity to give back to the community, just like in his military service, while pursuing his passion for science in nature conservation.

“Ideally I’d love to stay at the Water Authority. I love it right now, it’s exactly what I wanted to do,” McCoy said. “I would love to stay with the company that’s teaching and mentoring me right now and just keep it going.”

Job opportunities in the water industry

The opportunities for both transitioning servicemembers and local water agencies are significant. More than 30,000 service members separate from the military each year in California, and more than half are transitioning out of active duty in the San Diego region.

Roughly half of the current water industry workforce in the San Diego region will be eligible to retire in the next 15 years – and approximately 1,400 water and wastewater industry jobs are expected to open in the region in the next five years.

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SkillBridge Interns Explore Career Opportunities After Military Service 

The San Diego County Water Authority is providing training opportunities to military veterans looking for new careers in public service as part of the SkillBridge Program. The program is helping military veterans transition to career-track training opportunities, including work in the water and wastewater industry. 

Transitioning out of the military from a foreign county and coming back to the states is not an easy task, said Ismael Hernandez. In the case of Hernandez, now finishing his service in the Marine Corps, this involved finding new connections upon returning, leaving behind the military mindset of consistency in day-to-day life and figuring out his future career. 

Ismael Hernandez is interning at the San Diego County Water Authority as part of the Skillbridge Program. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“I was lucky enough to have SkillBridge, but for other [military] members it’s not as easy,” Hernandez said.  

The Water Authority is the first public agency in California to participate in the U.S. Department of Defense SkillBridge Program, whichconnects transitioning military service members to career-track job training opportunities. Skillbridge interns continue to be paid their military salary and benefits.  The program was developed by the federal government to provide experience and future career opportunities to military members as they transition to civilian life.

Skillbridge Program a “win-win” for service members and employers 

Since joining the federal program in June 2020, the Water Authority has had four SkillBridge interns working in various departments. The program is a win-win for both employers and the transitioning military member – the military servicemember can work fulltime in a participating agency for the last 180 days of their active duty gaining valuable civilian work experience, and the employer gains early access to the extensive experience, skills, and unmatched work ethos service members bring to the workforce, all at no cost.

Hernandez heard about the program from a few of his fellow service members who saw the work he was doing and recommended he look into the program to prepare himself for the future.  

 “To set yourself up right after the military is very beneficial because the trend for many military members is to not get help at all or have bad living situations and I didn’t want that for myself,” said Hernandez. 

Valuable experience for future career

 Shengliang “Justin” Jin, is also a SkillBridge intern finishing his contract with the Navy. Like Hernandez, he is also working to prepare himself for his future after he leaves military service. SkillBridge is providing him the opportunity to gain experience in the career he wants to pursue.  

Shengliang “Justin” Jin is an intern with in the San Diego County Water Authority Finance Department. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Interning in the finance department while finishing his associates degree was Jin’s first step in getting his foot in the door. After spending some time in budgeting, Jin will move into the accounting division at the Water Authority. The move is important to Jin because he wants to add a wide breadth of experience to his resume while pursuing his college education.  

“I will be finished with my associates by the end of this year and plan on getting into a university by next fall,” said Jin.

Hands-on work for military vet

Currently, Hernandez is gaining experience in heavy equipment operations, vegetation management, and other duties related to construction. Hernandez said his intern experience in construction or electrical work is exactly what he hopes to be doing in the future.   

“I’m more of a hands-on person and I want to learn these trades,” said Hernandez.  

The hands-on work Hernandez has done so far has included working on pipelines, grading roads, as well as laying down cement and wires. While it’s different from the rigid schedule of the same day-to-day tasks Hernandez experienced in the military, he sees this as a learning experience and opportunity for his professional growth. 

Hernandez said his goal is to turn his SkillBridge internship into a job and career at the Water Authority.

“If military members believe that they can do it, that they can make something happen, they make it happen,” Hernandez said. “It’s challenging, but at the end of the day you have to keep pushing through and have that mindset and you’ll make it happen.” 

Water and wastewater industry job opportunities

The opportunities for both transitioning servicemembers and local water agencies are significant. More than 30,000 service members separate from the military each year in California, and more than half are transitioning out of active duty in the San Diego region.

Roughly half of the current water industry workforce in the San Diego region will be eligible to retire in the next 15 years – and approximately 1,400 water and wastewater industry jobs are expected to open in the region in the next five years.  

San Diego Water Authority Hires Veterans Through SkillBridge

The San Diego County Water Authority is the first public agency in California to participate in the Department of Defense SkillBridge Program, which connects transitioning military service members to career-track job training opportunities. The regional initiative is off to a fast start with two SkillBridge interns starting their civilian careers at the Water Authority this summer.

The Water Authority joined the federal program in June 2020, as part of an effort by the Water Authority and its 24 member agencies to meet the growing need for skilled water industry workers.

Water Authority Taps SkillBridge Program for Talented Veterans

Aug. 3, 2021 – The San Diego County Water Authority is the first public agency in California to participate in the Department of Defense SkillBridge Program, which connects transitioning military service members to career-track job training opportunities. The regional initiative is off to a fast start with two SkillBridge interns starting their civilian careers at the Water Authority this summer.

Gerald Moore-SkillBridge Program-Water Jobs

Water Authority Taps SkillBridge Program for Talented Veterans

The San Diego County Water Authority is the first public agency in California to participate in the Department of Defense SkillBridge Program, which connects transitioning military service members to career-track job training opportunities. The regional initiative is off to a fast start with two SkillBridge interns starting their civilian careers at the Water Authority this summer.

The Water Authority joined the federal program in June 2020, as part of an effort by the Water Authority and its 24 member agencies to meet the growing need for skilled water industry workers.

‘Silver tsunami’ of retirements in water industry

The opportunities for both transitioning servicemembers and local water agencies are significant. More than 30,000 service members separate from the military each year in California, and more than half are transitioning out of active duty in the San Diego region. Roughly half of the current water industry workforce in the San Diego region will be eligible to retire in the next 15 years – and approximately 1,400 water and wastewater industry jobs are expected to open in the region in the next five years.

SkillBridge Program interns served in Navy

The Water Authority’s Operations & Maintenance Department recently welcomed two SkillBridge interns, Gerald Moore and Jamaal Benjamin, who each bring more than 15 years of experience in the Navy.

“We have seen the skills and aptitudes they learned in the military directly transfer to their work at the Water Authority,” said Water Authority Board Chair Gary Croucher. “At a time when a wave of retirements is impacting the water industry, the SkillBridge Program is an important way to meet our need for skilled workers.”

The Water Authority is benefitting from Moore’s background in operating and maintaining computer systems.

“The Water Authority is all about teamwork and service, and they’ve welcomed me to their team with open arms,” said Moore. “This is a new phase of my career and life. I’m excited to find out where this journey will take me.”

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“Having an opportunity to tap my military training and background in a civilian context is an ideal way to increase my career options in the water and wastewater industry,” said Jamaal Benjamin. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Benjamin is using his knowledge and experience working with complex electrical, electromechanical, and electrohydraulic systems to help maintain and repair critical water facilities.

“Having an opportunity to tap my military training and background in a civilian context is an ideal way to increase my career options in the water and wastewater industry,” said Benjamin.

Helping military veterans find jobs

A regional work group is implementing strategies to increase skilled workers for the water industry, with a focus on helping military veterans find jobs. Many of the Water Authority’s member agencies have also expressed interest in the SkillBridge Program.

“This is a unique opportunity to access a huge talent pool that can help us ensure the San Diego region will have the workforce to fill mission critical positions in the water industry,” said Christopher McKinney, chair of the regional work group and the director of utilities/assistant city manager for the City of Escondido.

Other regional efforts to help military veterans include state legislation co-sponsored by the Water Authority and Otay Water District that, when implemented, would provide a future avenue for veterans to receive credit for their military education and experience when applying for civilian water and wastewater system operator certifications in California.

Water industry job website

In addition, the San Diego County Water Authority maintains SanDiegoWaterWorks.org to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date list of regional water and wastewater industry job openings in one location, along with other information for veterans about career paths and internships.

SkillBridge Program

The Department of Defense created the SkillBridge Program in 2011 to give service members an opportunity to gain real-world training and work experience during their last 180 days of active service by interning at a civilian employer. The cost to partnering employers is minimal; employers pay no wages or benefits as service members continue to receive active duty pay and benefits during their internship.

For more information about regional job opportunities and training programs in the region’s water and wastewater industry go to: www.sandiegowaterworks.org/