Tag Archive for: Recycled Water

(L to R): Dave Pedersen, General Manager, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, Water ReUse President; Erica Wolski, General Manager, and Director Jacob Zoria, Ramona Municipal Water District; Brenley McKenna, Water ReUse Executive Director. Photo: Ramona Municipal Water District

Ramona Municipal Water District Named Small Recycled Water Agency of the Year

The Ramona Municipal Water District (Ramona MWD) was named the 2024 Small Recycled Water Agency of the Year by WateReuse California.

The award recognizes agencies that have developed recycled water, on a significant level, as an alternative water source within their service area, regionally or statewide. The recipients will have demonstrated leadership, creativity and persistence in developing a comprehensive program and outreach to the community to expand awareness and implementation of water recycling.

Ramona MWD General Manager Erica Wolski and board member Jacob Zoria accepted the award during a conference earlier in September from Brenley McKenna, Executive Director, & Dave Pedersen, President, representing WateReuse California (WRCA).

“I’m so pleased to receive this recognition on behalf of our forward-thinking Board of Directors and talented and hard-working water professionals at the Ramona Municipal Water District,” said General Manager Erica Wolski.

“The project has created a close connection with our neighbors, the Barona Band of Mission Indians, and has led to collaboration on other local projects. It also assures our customers we are doing everything we can on their behalf to maximize our resources and reduce wastewater treatment costs.”

Award-winning partnership between Ramona Municipal Water District and Barona Band

The award honors Ramona Municipal Water District’s partnership with its neighbor, the Barona Band of Mission Indians. Photo: Ramona Municipal Water District

The award honors Ramona Municipal Water District’s partnership with its neighbor, the Barona Band of Mission Indians. Photo: Ramona Municipal Water District

The award honors Ramona MWD’s partnership with its neighbor, the Barona Band of Mission Indians, in a project that, when completed, will provide excess recycled water to the Barona Resort and Casino.

Barona currently relies on local groundwater and a small amount of water recycled at the Casino. Recycled water provided through Ramona MWD will be used for golf course and landscape irrigation. The project helps the tribe protect its limited groundwater supplies.

The environmental documents for this project are expected to be released by the end of 2024. Construction on the pipeline between the reservation and RMWD is anticipated to begin in 2025.

The project will beneficially reuse up to 250-acre feet per year, delivering recycled water currently distributed on a spray field near the San Vicente Water Reclamation Plant, and it will now generate new revenue for sewer district customers.

Ramona MWD is is only the third winner in the small plant category from this region in the last 20 years. The City of Oceanside won in 2020, and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District won in 2005.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District is beginning construction on new recycled water pipelines in Encinitas. The expansion of OMWD’s recycled water distribution system will result in the savings of more than 12.5 million gallons of imported drinking water each year. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Recycled Water Pipeline Projects Ensure Reliable Water Supplies for Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Olivenhain Municipal Water District is beginning construction on new recycled water pipelines in Encinitas. The pipelines are part of a larger expansion of OMWD’s recycled water distribution system that will result in the savings of more than 12.5 million gallons of imported drinking water each year.

This phase of the project involves installing pipelines on Summerhill Drive and Village Center Drive in Encinitas. Work is scheduled to take place Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additionally, restricted work hours of 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, will be in effect for any work directly impacting Diegueño Middle School.

Other project phases involved the construction of recycled water pipelines around Park Dale Lane and Gatepost Road in Encinitas, which are now complete, and along Calle Barcelona in Carlsbad, on which work continues. This project is anticipated to be completed in spring 2025. No impacts to customers’ drinking water supplies are anticipated.

Minimizing Traffic Disruptions for Customers

OMWD is coordinating with the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas on a traffic management plan to minimize traffic disruptions for residents and businesses during construction. Learn more in the video presentation below.

OMWD successfully secured approximately $900,000 in grant funding to make this project cost-effective for ratepayers. Specifically, both the US Bureau of Reclamation and the California Department of Water Resources are contributing grant funds to offset project costs.

Ensuring Safe, Reliable Water Supplies

By expanding the recycled water distribution system, OMWD will cut costs by replacing important drinking water with recycled water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District pipeline projects

By expanding the recycled water distribution system, OMWD will cut costs by replacing important drinking water with recycled water. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

OMWD receives 100 percent of its drinking water supply from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Colorado River. These sources have become unreliable due to droughts and overuse.

Recycled water is locally produced, disinfected wastewater used for irrigation. It is a drought-resilient supply and costs less than potable water. In addition, using recycled water reduces the amount of treated wastewater discharged to the ocean and reduces our dependence on imported water from faraway sources.

OMWD has identified opportunities in Encinitas and Carlsbad to connect more customers to its recycled water distribution system. The completion of the pipeline extensions will result in the conversion of 28 water meters from potable to recycled water, saving more than 12.5 million gallons of imported drinking water every year.

OMWD serves up to 15% of its overall demand from recycled water treated through its award-winning 4S Ranch facility. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District pipeline project

OMWD serves up to 15% of its overall demand from recycled water treated through its award-winning 4S Ranch facility. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

OMWD produces up to two million gallons of recycled water daily at its 4S Ranch Water Reclamation Facility. Additionally, OMWD is the lead agency of the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition, a group of nine North County agencies that coordinate across jurisdictional boundaries to expand the reach of the recycled water.

As a result, OMWD now serves up to 15 percent of its overall demand from recycled water and continues to identify additional ways to make recycled water available to eligible customers.

Get the latest updates on OMWD’s dedicated projects page on its website: www.olivenhain.com/projects


California to Implement Direct Potable Reuse

California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved OAL File No. 2024-0624-02S – the Direct Potable Reuse Regulations – and filed with the Secretary of State on August 6, 2024.

The regulations will take effect on October 1, 2024. This is a step in the evolution of using recycled water as a safe and reliable water supply for Californians.

Escondido Water Recycling Facility will Offset Restrictions that Often Come During Droughts

Water use restrictions are usually the first sign of severe drought conditions in California, but a new recycled water treatment facility in Escondido set to go online early next year could help offset those restrictions for the local farming communities.

What’s unique about the new plant is that when drought conditions develop, local farmers with avocado and citrus groves won’t have to cut back on their water use.

Border Report: Tijuana Looks to Quench Its Thirst with Recycled Water

For more than 15 years, a pair of sewage treatment plants in eastern Tijuana have presented an opportunity – and a challenge.

The plants, Arturo Herrera and La Morita, raised hopes for a major wastewater reuse effort in the city – for irrigation, construction and industrial use. U.S. and Mexican authorities celebrated their opening, saying the effort would benefit both sides of the border.

An overhead view of construction progress on the East County Advanced Water Purification program Education Center. Photo: East County AWP Padre Dam

East County Advanced Water Program Summer Progress Report

Significant work has been completed on the East County Advanced Water Purification Program (East County AWP) since construction began more than two years ago in June 2022. Multiple milestones have been achieved through the first half of 2024, with construction continuing at multiple East County locations through 2025.

The East County Advanced Water Purification Program is an important water project for East San Diego County. When complete, it will deliver a clean, reliable and local water source.

Construction reached a significant milestone in July, completing 58% of the purified water pipeline installation. This 10-mile pipeline will transport purified water from north of Santee Lakes to Lake Jennings.

Elements currently under construction in parts of Santee and Lakeside include:

  • Installing a 10-mile purified water pipeline
  • Constructing wastewater/residual pipelines and pump station upgrades
  • Building water treatment facilities, operations center, laboratory, and public education center

Work underway at Lake Jennings

Lake Jennings is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

Lake Jennings is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

Crews are working to connect the purified water pipeline to Lake Jennings on the north end of the lake in Half Moon Cove. In April 2024, Helix Water District temporarily lowered Lake Jennings by approximately 23 feet to make this work possible. Helix completed its work on the reservoir’s outlet tower and is refilling the lake.

The lake is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Click here for additional lake updates. Minor work nearby will require occasional, short-term closures of the Flume Trail.

Purified water is expected to start flowing into Lake Jennings in 2026. The water will mix with local and imported water, followed by treatment at the R.M. Levy Water Treatment Plant and then distributed to the community.

Treatment facilities taking shape

Roads have reopened at Lakes 3 and 4 at the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve. Photo: East County AWP East County Advanced Water

Roads have reopened at Lakes 3 and 4 at the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve. Photo: East County AWP

Construction of the treatment facilities north of Santee Lakes is progressing, with roughly 80% of the concrete (42,000 cubic yards) poured. Once complete, 52,400 cubic yards of concrete will be used—enough to fill 16 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

The advanced water purification, water recycling and solids handling facilities are being built, as well as an operations center to house the operation controls, laboratory, and education center. The public will be invited to visit the interactive lobby and to tour the facilities once the program goes online.

Wastewater and residual pipelines currently under construction run parallel to each other and are each 3.5 miles long. They will connect the water recycling facility north of Santee Lakes to the pump station near the westbound onramp to Route 52.

An example of a trenchless construction method called horizontal directional drilling. Photo: East County AWP

The residuals pipeline has been successfully installed under the Carlton Oaks Golf Course and San Diego River using a trenchless construction method called horizontal directional drilling. This method is used instead of digging a conventional open trench, minimizing environmental impacts.

More than 100,000 pounds of pulling force was required for this operation. The installation of the wastewater pipeline running parallel, using the same method, is anticipated by early 2025.

Water from this project will be provided to customers in Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Helix Water District, Lakeside Water District service areas, and the northern portion of the Otay Water District.

Traffic affected in Santee and Lakeside construction zones

Construction has affected traffic in several areas.

In Santee, wastewater pipeline construction is underway on Fanita Parkway near Lake Canyon Road.  When traveling in the area, expect one-way traffic control with delays of up to five minutes. Flaggers are assisting drivers in navigating around the construction zone.

Elsewhere, purified water pipeline construction continues from Park Center Drive, heading west toward Fanita Parkway in Santee. Road paving is complete between Magnolia Avenue and Park Center Drive, and between Cambury Drive and Halberns Boulevard. All of this work has resulted in traffic control with lane closures.

Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. Photo: East County AWP East County Advanced Water

Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets in Lakeside. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. Photo: East County AWP

In Lakeside, temporary traffic control with reduced lanes is also in place next to El Capitan High School. Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. On Riverside Drive, construction recently got underway near Rio Camino and is expected to last for the next couple of months.

Purified water pipeline installation along the Channel Road Bridge is complete. Crews will soon shift work locations to State Route 67 and on the west side of the freeway on Mapleview. Pipeline installation under State Route 67 will be achieved using another trenchless construction method called ‘jack and bore.’

To stay up-to-date with project schedules, community impacts, and work descriptions, check the East County Advanced Water Purification Program’s interactive map at www.eastcountyawp.com or visit @eastcountyawp on social media.

north sd water reuse logo

North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition Recommended for Over $6 Million in Federal Funding to Further Improve Local Water Supply Reliability

Encinitas, Calif. — On June 13, the United States Bureau of Reclamation recommended to Congress that the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition receive over $6 million in grant funding from the federal Title XVI program to develop recycled water infrastructure in San Diego’s North County.

“This federal investment to strengthen our region’s recycled water infrastructure is crucial to meet demand and reliability,” said Representative Scott Peters. “Multi-agency projects allow us to stretch public resources and help accelerate results that will benefit the entire region.”

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

OMWD Converts Another Encinitas Property to Recycled Water

Encinitas, Calif. — Olivenhain Municipal Water District began serving recycled water today to the new commercial building at 777 North El Camino Real in Encinitas. Irrigating the property with recycled instead of potable water will save more than 7,500 gallons of imported drinking water each year.
“Converting our commercial customers to recycled water for irrigation is of the utmost importance,” said OMWD Board Secretary Larry Watt. “Our region is dependent on the Colorado River for drinking water and available supplies on the river have been slowly declining for decades. Every customer we convert to recycled water makes us more drought resilient.”

Major California Water Recycling Program Gets $99M Boost

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced it would invest $99 million in taxpayer funds to support the creation of the world’s largest water recycling center, a project aimed in part at easing California’s reliance on the drought-stricken Colorado River.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Construction of New Recycled Water Pipelines Begins in Encinitas

Encinitas, CA—Olivenhain Municipal Water District has begun construction on new recycled water pipelines in the city of Encinitas. The pipeline extensions will allow homeowner associations in the area to convert to recycled water for irrigation of their properties.

This project phase involves installing pipeline extensions around Park Dale Lane and Gatepost Road off Village Park Way in the city of Encinitas. Work is scheduled to take place Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additionally, restricted work hours of 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday, will be in effect for any work directly impacting Park Dale Lane Elementary School.