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Restoration efforts are making headway in Santee and Lakeside. This includes the use of hydroseeding - the spraying of a mulch type mixture with seeds and a binding agent in order to prevent erosion and protect the seeds. Photo: East County AWP

East County AWP Updates Construction Progress for 2025

Progress on the East County Advanced Water Purification Program (East County AWP) continues on schedule at multiple East County locations, with an increasing number of milestones being reached as the project nears completion in 2025.

The East County Advanced Water Purification Program is an important water project for East San Diego County. When complete, it will deliver a clean, reliable, and local water source.

See a time-lapse video of 12 months of construction from January through December 2024.

Over the last 12 months, many milestones have been accomplished, including:

  • Completion of the purified water pipelines in Santee
  • Fanita Parkway has been repaved, curbs and sidewalks restored, and construction equipment removed
  • Completed 95% of concrete pouring required for the site
  • Completed 78% of all water pipeline construction
  • Installed the Lake Jennings inlet to allow purified water to flow into the lake before it is treated at the R.M. Levy Water Treatment Plant
The East County AWP achieved significant milestones in 2024.

The East County AWP achieved significant milestones in 2024, with more ahead in 2025.

Construction is set to begin in spring 2025 on a newly approved phase of the project that will include work within Mission Trails Regional Park. This phase includes the rehabilitation of the existing East Mission Gorge Force Main, which will help add capacity for increased sewer flows during rainy weather to the City of San Diego for treatment.

It also includes the construction of new pipelines in the East County to manage residuals, which are the organic residues removed from wastewater during the treatment process, sending them from the East County AWP Project around the City of San Diego’s Pure Water Program facilities as a regional solution to residuals management.

Tour the latest East County AWP construction progress in this video update.

Purified Water Pipeline Construction and Road Closures

Work on pipelines is ongoing in Lakeside at the following areas:

  • Riverside Drive from Riverford Road to Rio Camino
  • Channel Road from the bridge to Rio Camino
  • Channel Road from the bridge to Mapleview Street

Expect reduced travel lanes at these locations. Crews have completed purified water pipeline installation along Mast Boulevard, which is being followed by final roadway paving.

Final paving entails grinding and overlaying the existing roadway to be replaced with new asphalt. Crews use a remote-controlled trench roller to compact the top layer of material when paving the roadway.

Jack and bore excavation work is underway near State Route 67 and Mapleview Street in Lakeside ahead of purified water pipeline installation. Photo: East County AWP

Jack and bore excavation work is underway near State Route 67 and Mapleview Street in Lakeside ahead of purified water pipeline installation. Photo: East County AWP

Restoration Efforts Underway in Santee and Lakeside

As part of restoration efforts, residents may see hydroseeding, the spraying of a mulch-type mixture with seeds, and a binding agent to prevent erosion and protect the seeds.

Newly hydroseeded areas along Fanita Parkway in Santee where pipeline construction is complete. Photo: East County AWP

Newly hydro-seeded areas along Fanita Parkway in Santee, where pipeline construction is complete. Photo: East County AWP

Hydroseeding work is nearly complete along Fanita Parkway in Santee, with final work to be completed this spring. In addition to newly installed plants, El Monte Road in Lakeside was also recently hydro-seeded.

Avoid walking, dog walking, biking, jogging, and driving in hydro-seeded areas. These activities prolong the revegetation efforts and the length of time these areas are closed to the public.

Protecting Bird Species During Construction

Compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and general protection of wildlife within the project vicinity allows birds like this Bald Eagle to safely nest in the construction area during breeding season. Photo: East County AWP

Compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and general wildlife protection within the project vicinity allows birds like this Bald Eagle to safely nest in the construction area during breeding season. Photo: East County AWP

The East County AWP project is committed to complying with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and protecting wildlife within the project areas.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects common, game, and special-status bird species across the United States. This protection includes nests, eggs, and young. With the spring bird breeding season now underway, larger birds such as hawks, owls, and crows build their nests early in the season. Smaller songbirds start nesting in early spring.

If additional vegetation clearing is required, biologists supervise clearance once the absence of nesting is confirmed.

Stay Updated On Program Progress With Interactive Map

When completed, water from this project will be provided to customers in Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Helix Water District, and Lakeside Water District service areas, and the northern portion of the Otay Water District.

With construction in multiple locations throughout East County, the Program’s interactive map continues to be a valuable tool for residents and businesses to track where work is happening. The map is updated regularly and accessible 24/7 through the website. Information is also available via social media at @eastcountyawp

California Department of Water Resources Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting Unit Manager Andy Reising conducts the first media snow survey of the 2025 season at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada. Photo: Nick Shockey, California Department of Water Resources

Sierra Snowpack Near Average In First 2025 Survey

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted the first snow survey of the 2025 season on January 2 at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada, with positive news about the state’s water supply.

The survey recorded 24 inches of snow depth and a snow water equivalent of nine inches. This is 91 percent of the average at this location. The snow water equivalent measures the amount of water contained in the snowpack and is a key component of DWR’s water supply forecast. Statewide, the snowpack is 108 percent of average to date, compared to 28 percent for the January 2024 survey.

California Department of Water Resources staff members (from right) Andy Reising, Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting Unit Manager, Manon von Kaenel, Water Resources Engineer, Jordan Thoennes, Water Resources Engineer, and Angelique Fabbiani-Leon, State Hydrometeorologist, conduct the first media snow survey of the 2025 season at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada. Photo: Nick Shockey, California Department of Water Resources

California Department of Water Resources staff members (from right) Andy Reising, Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting Unit Manager, Manon von Kaenel, Water Resources Engineer, Jordan Thoennes, Water Resources Engineer, and Angelique Fabbiani-Leon, State Hydrometeorologist, conduct the first media snow survey of the 2025 season at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada. Photo: Nick Shockey, California Department of Water Resources

In recent years, California has been marked by extremely hot and dry conditions broken up by periods of intense rain and snow, including late 2024 and early 2025. A record-breaking hot and dry summer continued well into the fall, but a powerful atmospheric river in November broke several rainfall records in Northern California. December storms provided another boost.

“While our snowpack looks good now, we have a long way until April, when our water supply picture will be more complete,” said DWR Director Karla Nemeth. “Extreme shifts between dry and wet conditions are continuing this winter, and if the past several years are any indication, anything could happen between now and April, and we need to be prepared.”

Too Early To Predict 2025 Weather Patterns

On average, the Sierra snowpack supplies about 30 percent of California’s statewide water needs. Its natural ability to store water is why the Sierra snowpack is often referred to as California’s “frozen reservoir.” Photo: Nick Shockey, California Department of Water Resources

On average, the Sierra snowpack supplies about 30 percent of California’s statewide water needs. Its natural ability to store water is why the Sierra snowpack is often referred to as California’s “frozen reservoir.” Photo: Nick Shockey, California Department of Water Resources

This weather pattern is not unusual for California. In 2013 and 2022, early storm activity was followed by dry conditions, erasing early-season snow totals and continuing existing drought conditions across the state. It is too early to know whether this condition will occur in 2025.

“We are fortunate to have had several solid snow-producing atmospheric river systems so far this season,” said DWR’s Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting Unit Manager Andy Reising. “The fall was extremely dry, so our healthy snow totals are thanks to a handful of big storm systems in November and late December. But to finish the year where we need to be, we will still need additional snow building at a regular pace throughout the winter.”

On average, the Sierra snowpack supplies about 30 percent of California’s statewide water needs. Its natural ability to store water is why the Sierra snowpack is often referred to as California’s “frozen reservoir.”

San Diego Leadership In Water Supply Management

San Diego County residents can continue to use water wisely including in their low water use landscaping. Photo: Helix Water District

San Diego County residents can continue to use water wisely including in their low water use landscaping. Photo: Helix Water District

For the past decade, San Diego County has been insulated from drought-induced cutbacks due to the long-term investments in secure water supplies, a strategy that emerged in the early 1990s following an economically devastating drought. Since 1990, the region has dramatically cut water demands, reducing per capita water use by more than 50 percent. Water conservation has become a “way of life” for the region’s residents and businesses.

Water Authority Water Resources Specialist Efren Lopez says San Diego County has a reliable supply from the Colorado River and other parts of the state, supplemented by its long-term supply diversification.

“Feel free to irrigate your landscapes, to water your trees and to use water as you need,” said Lopez. “We don’t have any restrictions on water use, and we have very reliable water supplies.”

Lack of Local Precipitation Affects Fire Risk

Winter rains have helped vegetation grow in recent years, providing more fuel for fires. The US Drought Monitor puts all of San Diego County at a moderate drought level. Parts of Imperial County are in severe and extreme drought.

Major reservoirs statewide are currently 121 percent of average thanks to two years of above-average snowpack conditions. DWR prepares for annual extremes by investing in climate resilience to ensure California is able to capture and use as much water during flood conditions as possible.

DWR conducts four media-oriented snow surveys at Phillips Station each winter near the first of each month, January through April and, if necessary, May. The next survey is tentatively scheduled for early February.

(L to R) Escondido City Manager Sean McGlynn; Escondido Director of Utilities Angela Morrow PE; Escondido City Councilmember Michael Morasco; Deputy Mayor Christian Garcia; Escondido Mayor Dane White; Councilmember Consuelo Martinez; Councilmember Joe Garcia; Escondido Deputy City Manager Chris McKinney. Photo: City of Escondido water reuse

New Escondido Water Reuse Plant Supports Area Farmers

The City of Escondido achieved an important milestone in its efforts to create a high-quality alternative water source to support its local agricultural growers in August.

The city and its partners, including the Filanc Brown and Caldwell (FBC) Joint Venture, dedicated the newly completed water reuse treatment plant at an August 28 event. The AgX Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility for Agriculture (MFRO Facility) is a first-of-its-kind facility producing water for agricultural use in California.

The new $65 million facility completed construction in November 2023.

Lowering costs, increasing water supply resilience

The exterior of the new AgX Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility for Agriculture (MFRO Facility), a first-of-its-kind facility producing water for agricultural use in California. Photo: City of Escondido water reuse

The exterior of the new AgX Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility for Agriculture (MFRO Facility), a first-of-its-kind facility producing water for agricultural use in California. Photo: City of Escondido

The AgX MFRO Facility takes water redirected from an ocean outfall, which was reaching capacity and would have cost hundreds of millions of dollars to upsize. Water is now redirected to the MFRO Facility and treated for beneficial reuse by producing water with salinity (salt) levels ideal for agriculture, such as avocado growers.

Farmers benefit from paying lower water rates. With agricultural water use shifted to this new supply, potable water the farmers previously used is now available for other users, increasing local water resiliency.

This project is a rare win-win water solution for augmenting supply while alleviating demand. In an era of water scarcity, it provides a sustainable, local supply and a cost-effective alternative to potable water.

“This is an important milestone for Escondido’s recycled water system,” said Angela Morrow, City of Escondido Director of Utilities. “The MFRO Facility will provide a reliable, affordable, and high-quality water supply to our agricultural community for generations to come while beneficially reusing wastewater and reducing our reliance on imported water.”

Escondido water reuse project funded through multiple agreements

Escondido Mayor Dane White at the ribbon cutting for the new AgX Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility for Agriculture (MFRO Facility). Photo: City of Escondido

Escondido Mayor Dane White at the ribbon cutting for the new AgX Membrane Filtration Reverse Osmosis Facility for Agriculture (MFRO Facility). Photo: City of Escondido

Funding for this project was provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board and in part through agreements with the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, and State of California, Department of Water Resources.

Headquartered in Escondido, Filanc is an award-winning general engineering and design-build contractor that solely constructs, renovates, and expands water and wastewater treatment, biosolids management, and waste-to-energy facilities throughout the Western United States.

Headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, Brown and Caldwell is a full-service environmental engineering and construction services firm with 50 offices and over 2,100 professionals across North America and the Pacific in operation for 75 years.


An overhead view of construction progress on the East County Advanced Water Purification program Education Center. Photo: East County AWP Padre Dam

East County Advanced Water Program Summer Progress Report

Significant work has been completed on the East County Advanced Water Purification Program (East County AWP) since construction began more than two years ago in June 2022. Multiple milestones have been achieved through the first half of 2024, with construction continuing at multiple East County locations through 2025.

The East County Advanced Water Purification Program is an important water project for East San Diego County. When complete, it will deliver a clean, reliable and local water source.

Construction reached a significant milestone in July, completing 58% of the purified water pipeline installation. This 10-mile pipeline will transport purified water from north of Santee Lakes to Lake Jennings.

Elements currently under construction in parts of Santee and Lakeside include:

  • Installing a 10-mile purified water pipeline
  • Constructing wastewater/residual pipelines and pump station upgrades
  • Building water treatment facilities, operations center, laboratory, and public education center

Work underway at Lake Jennings

Lake Jennings is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

Lake Jennings is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

Crews are working to connect the purified water pipeline to Lake Jennings on the north end of the lake in Half Moon Cove. In April 2024, Helix Water District temporarily lowered Lake Jennings by approximately 23 feet to make this work possible. Helix completed its work on the reservoir’s outlet tower and is refilling the lake.

The lake is expected to be restored to full capacity later this summer. Click here for additional lake updates. Minor work nearby will require occasional, short-term closures of the Flume Trail.

Purified water is expected to start flowing into Lake Jennings in 2026. The water will mix with local and imported water, followed by treatment at the R.M. Levy Water Treatment Plant and then distributed to the community.

Treatment facilities taking shape

Roads have reopened at Lakes 3 and 4 at the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve. Photo: East County AWP East County Advanced Water

Roads have reopened at Lakes 3 and 4 at the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve. Photo: East County AWP

Construction of the treatment facilities north of Santee Lakes is progressing, with roughly 80% of the concrete (42,000 cubic yards) poured. Once complete, 52,400 cubic yards of concrete will be used—enough to fill 16 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

The advanced water purification, water recycling and solids handling facilities are being built, as well as an operations center to house the operation controls, laboratory, and education center. The public will be invited to visit the interactive lobby and to tour the facilities once the program goes online.

Wastewater and residual pipelines currently under construction run parallel to each other and are each 3.5 miles long. They will connect the water recycling facility north of Santee Lakes to the pump station near the westbound onramp to Route 52.

An example of a trenchless construction method called horizontal directional drilling. Photo: East County AWP

The residuals pipeline has been successfully installed under the Carlton Oaks Golf Course and San Diego River using a trenchless construction method called horizontal directional drilling. This method is used instead of digging a conventional open trench, minimizing environmental impacts.

More than 100,000 pounds of pulling force was required for this operation. The installation of the wastewater pipeline running parallel, using the same method, is anticipated by early 2025.

Water from this project will be provided to customers in Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Helix Water District, Lakeside Water District service areas, and the northern portion of the Otay Water District.

Traffic affected in Santee and Lakeside construction zones

Construction has affected traffic in several areas.

In Santee, wastewater pipeline construction is underway on Fanita Parkway near Lake Canyon Road.  When traveling in the area, expect one-way traffic control with delays of up to five minutes. Flaggers are assisting drivers in navigating around the construction zone.

Elsewhere, purified water pipeline construction continues from Park Center Drive, heading west toward Fanita Parkway in Santee. Road paving is complete between Magnolia Avenue and Park Center Drive, and between Cambury Drive and Halberns Boulevard. All of this work has resulted in traffic control with lane closures.

Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. Photo: East County AWP East County Advanced Water

Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets in Lakeside. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. Photo: East County AWP

In Lakeside, temporary traffic control with reduced lanes is also in place next to El Capitan High School. Drivers should plan additional traveling time on Mapleview and Ashwood Streets. Work will continue in this area over the next few weeks. On Riverside Drive, construction recently got underway near Rio Camino and is expected to last for the next couple of months.

Purified water pipeline installation along the Channel Road Bridge is complete. Crews will soon shift work locations to State Route 67 and on the west side of the freeway on Mapleview. Pipeline installation under State Route 67 will be achieved using another trenchless construction method called ‘jack and bore.’

To stay up-to-date with project schedules, community impacts, and work descriptions, check the East County Advanced Water Purification Program’s interactive map at or visit @eastcountyawp on social media.

The R.M. Levy Water Treatment Plant operated by the Helix Water District. Photo: Helix Water District

Helix Water District Releases Water Quality Report

Helix Water District’s newly released 2023 Water Quality Report shows that throughout 2023, the district continued to deliver top-quality drinking water that meets all federal and state drinking water regulations.

What water supplies contain depends on where they come from. As water travels through rock, soils, and rivers, it takes with it the characteristics of those environments. In 2023, 54% of Helix water came from Lake Cuyamaca and local creeks, after winter storms dropped 58 inches of rain and snow on the mountains east of San Diego.

The Colorado River provided 26% of the district’s water supply. The remaining 20% came from rivers in Northern California through the State Water Project.  Helix manages the characteristics of each water source through its multistep treatment process.

“Our system operators carefully blend the water from each of our sources to improve water quality, and our on-site chemist and biologist work hand in glove with our water treatment plant operators,” said Helix Water District General Manager Brian Olney. “It takes a highly trained and very committed team to maintain our level of water quality year after year.”

The 2023 Water Quality Report explains the water quality standards mandated through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and state of California regulations. It presents Helix Water District’s water quality data for each standard. As in years past, the district’s tap water met all standards.

To view the report in English

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To view the report in Spanish

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To request a printed report

Please email or call 619-466-0585

For questions about water quality

Go to, email or call 619-667-6248


As soon as 2026, the East County Advanced Water Program will deliver water to the faucets of customers. Photo: East County AWP milestone

East County Advanced Water Program Hits Multiple Milestones  

Work on the East County Advanced Water Purification Program facilities and pipelines reached multiple milestones at the start of 2024, and construction continues on schedule at multiple East County locations through 2025. As soon as 2026, the AWP will deliver water to the faucets of customers in the Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Helix Water District, Lakeside Water District service areas, and the northern portion of the Otay Water District service area.

At the main construction site north of Santee Lakes, more than 60% of the concrete has been poured for the water recycling, solids handling, and advanced water purification facilities. Nearly 60% of the 2.3 total miles of open-cut construction on wastewater pipelines that make up the AWP Program are complete.

More than 60% of the concrete has been poured for the East County Advanced Water Program water recycling, solids handling and advanced water purification facilities. Photo: East County AWP

More than 60% of the concrete has been poured for the East County Advanced Water Program water recycling, solids handling and advanced water purification facilities. Photo: East County AWP

Construction also continues on Fanita Parkway, north of Ganley Road in Santee, and within Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve. Pipeline water testing is now underway on that installed pipeline.

Work on the pipelines for the East County Advanced Water Program is affecting access to the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve, which remains open. Photo: East County AWP

Work on the pipelines for the East County Advanced Water Program is affecting access to the Santee Lakes Recreational Preserve, which remains open. Photo: East County AWP

In addition, pipeline work at Santee Lakes is occurring between Lakes 3 and 4. There is a road closure and no parking in some areas. The Kiwanis Playground at Lake 4 remains open and parking has been preserved for playground visitors.

“Roughly a year and a half ago, we started with a blank slate and since then, the Joint Powers Authority and its project partners have made significant achievements at each of the construction sites,” said Mark Niemiec, director of the East County AWP. “It’s during these ongoing activities within the community including at Santee Lakes that we really appreciate our neighbors’ patience and understanding.”

Pipeline undergrounding scheduled this spring

These new pipelines servicing the East County Advanced Water Program will soon be moved underground. Photo: East County AWP

These new pipelines servicing the East County Advanced Water Program will soon be moved underground. Photo: East County AWP

The wastewater pipelines that will run from the East Mission Gorge Pump Station near State Route 52 to the first lake at Santee Lakes will soon be pulled underground. This trenchless construction method called “Horizontal Directional Drilling” minimizes the impacts to nearby waterways, including the San Diego River. The process takes an estimated 24 to 36 straight hours.

Elsewhere, Fanita Parkway will be temporarily closed for up to one week in March between Ganley Road and Lake Canyon Road to allow for paving on both sides of the street. Residents will see detour signs prior to the closure. The road closure will occur during the day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Purified water pipeline construction is continuing west on Mast Boulevard in Santee, as well as west on Mapleview Street in Lakeside and from Laurel Canyon Road to El Monte Road. Lane closures can be expected.

Residents and commuters in Santee and Lakeside can monitor road closures on the East County AWP website. Photo: East County AWP

Residents and commuters in Santee and Lakeside can monitor road closures on the East County AWP website. Photo: East County AWP

Construction on the 23,000-square-foot Visitors Center is in progress and will be completed by the end of 2025. It will house administrative offices, the operation control center, a testing laboratory, and a community room. The steel beam installation, including 66 columns and 100 beams, will use 350,000 pounds of U.S. steel.

The Flume Trail at Lake Jennings is officially back open following a 10-month closure for purified pipeline construction. The trail will close again during the summer for a couple of months to allow for additional pipeline construction near the shoreline.

The Flume Trail at Lake Jennings is officially back open following a 10-month closure. It will close again for additional construction later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

The Flume Trail at Lake Jennings is officially back open following a 10-month closure. It will close again for additional construction later this summer. Photo: East County AWP

When complete, the East County AWP Program will be able to create up to 11.5 million gallons of purified water per day, which is enough to serve an estimated 400,000 people, or roughly 30% of East San Diego County’s water supply.

The East County AWP Program includes construction of the following:

When operational, the East County AWP will be able to create up to 11.5 million gallons of purified water per day which is enough to serve roughly 30% of East San Diego County’s water supply. Photo: East County AWP

When operational, the East County AWP will be able to create up to 11.5 million gallons of purified water per day which is enough to serve roughly 30% of East San Diego County’s water supply. Photo: East County AWP

  • Water recycling facility treating 16 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater.
  • Advanced water purification facility treating and purifying 11.5 MGD.
  • Purified water pipeline transporting purified water 10 miles to Lake Jennings.
  • Wastewater and residual pipelines. Each segment is three miles long.
  • East Mission Gorge Pump Station (retrofitted) and City of San Diego partnership of regional brine and wastewater pipelines traveling from the pump station in Santee to the City of San Diego’s sewer line in Mission Valley.
  • Energy recovery system creating three megawatts of renewable energy.

To stay up-to-date with project schedules, community impacts and work descriptions, check the East County Advanced Water Purification Program’s interactive map on or visit @eastcountyawp on social media

Low water conditions reveal the light-colored rink traces along the rock-wall shoreline at Lake Mead, showing the decreased water level from years of drought conditions in the Colorado River basin. Innovative water sharing agreements can help to mitigate this. Photo: Christopher Clark / U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation

Water Agencies Evolving to Address Changing Realities

California water agencies including the San Diego County Water Authority are exploring ways to better manage sporadic periods of abundant rainfall — part of a larger effort to meet the ever-changing realities they face logistically and economically.

Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham recently discussed the evolution of regional water management on the Southern California Water Dialogue. The Water Dialogues are a monthly forum exploring water-related issues of regional interest.

The backdrop for the discussion is what many call “climate whiplash” — for instance, when three years of record drought from 2020 to 2022 were followed by abnormally high rainfall in 2023. In the future, California could experience shorter but more extreme wet seasons between periods of drought.

View the webinar here.

Creative portfolio approach to water management

At the Water Authority — the agency responsible for long-term water planning in San Diego County — Denham said the lack of regular rainfall and little access to groundwater has forced the Water Authority to be more creative than most water agencies in securing a safe, reliable water supply.

“We embarked upon a 20-to-30-year process to diversify the Water Authority’s supply portfolio. Our board directed a portfolio approach to ensure that we had not only sufficient supplies but also made significant investments in infrastructure,” explained Denham.

“We’ve adopted cutting-edge conservation and techniques. We’ve sponsored legislation at the state level. And we’re at the forefront of many water use efficiency programs,” said Denham.

With those investments and actions as the foundation, the time is right to set a vision for the coming decades. “The future of water in Southern California — of course, reuse is going to be a big component of it — but I do believe a lot of it is going to be sharing resources and developing partnerships,” Denham said.

Advancing long-term water-sharing partnerships

Top (L to R): Mel Katz, chair SDCWA Board; Jim Madaffer, Vice Chair Colorado River Board of CA and SDCWA Board member; Gloria Cordero, MWD’s representative to the Colorado River Board; Adan Ortega, chair MWD Board; J.B. Hamby, Chair Colorado River Board of CA. Bottom (L To R): Dan Denham, SDCWA General Manager; Camille Touton, Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Adel Hagekhalil, MWD General Manager; Jamie Asbury, Imperial Irrigation District General Manager. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Signing the historic agreement: Top (L to R): Mel Katz, chair SDCWA Board; Jim Madaffer, Vice Chair Colorado River Board of CA and SDCWA Board member; Gloria Cordero, MWD’s representative to the Colorado River Board; Adan Ortega, chair MWD Board; J.B. Hamby, Chair Colorado River Board of CA. Bottom (L To R): Dan Denham, SDCWA General Manager; Camille Touton, Commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Adel Hagekhalil, MWD General Manager; Jamie Asbury, Imperial Irrigation District General Manager. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Denham said investing in a long-term partnership with the Imperial Irrigation District in a water conservation agreement has proved key. “Those types of partnerships have continued and had been successful over the past 20 years,” said Denham.

“This is what our diversification looks like. This is 25 years’ worth of investment in resiliency, transitioning us from an imported water agency with one source of supply to where we’re at today with a really diverse resource mix,” said Denham.

Denham says in addition to maximizing reuse, sharing resources and developing partnerships to share those resources will become vital. The Water Authority signed a landmark agreement with the Metropolitan Water District and the Imperial Irrigation District in late 2023.

“What we were able to do was take advantage of those high runoff years in Northern California, bringing that State Water Project water down to San Diego and leaving some of our Colorado River conserved water in Lake Mead – 50,000-acre feet – which raised the reservoir by six inches. It could not have been done without the partnership that we have in relationships developed over time with the Metropolitan Water District and the Imperial Irrigation District. I look towards more of this to the future,” said Denham.

Flexibility to optimize water resources

QSA-Colorado River-modeling framework-USBR

In October 2003, the San Diego County Water Authority, Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, State of California and U.S. Department of the Interior completed a historic set of agreements to conserve and transfer Colorado River water.

While planning for drought is necessary, it’s also necessary to devise a plan flexible enough to take advantage of high-runoff years.

“What do you do in those high runoff years, in those years of abundance? Some of that speaks to storage,” explained Denham. “The Water Authority has increased its largest surface water storage reservoir. It’s doubled in size. But the Water Authority — like others in the Metropolitan Water District service area in California, is realizing that those surface water storage reservoirs are pretty full.

“What does that speak to next? Flexibility, and the sharing of resources. If our reservoirs are full, or we don’t have the demands for the investments that we’ve made, whether it’s in the Colorado River supplies or the Carlsbad desalination plant, perhaps there’s another partner in Southern California or in the Lower Colorado River Basin that we can exchange supplies with.

“What I mean by that is we do have supplies that can be managed in a different way,” said Denham.

Established in 1998, the Water Dialogue explores the common interests among Southern California water agencies, environmental organizations, and public interest organizations, and serves as a clearinghouse and advocate for projects, activities, and processes that will improve the quality and reliability of Southern California’s water supply.

The Water Dialogue represents members including the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Southern California Watershed Alliance, Sierra Club, West Basin Municipal Water District, Central Basin Municipal Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Irvine Ranch Water District, Trabuco Canyon Water District, Southern California Water Coalition, Atwater Consulting Group, Jacobs and Caltech/JPL/NASA.


In December, a similar water transfer agreement was successfully completed with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Imperial Irrigation District. It saves the Water Authority between $15 million and $20 million while helping to raise the level of Lake Mead. Photo: Christopher Clark, U.S. Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation

Water Agencies Explore Innovative Transfer Deal for Drought-Resilient Water

For the second time in recent months, the San Diego County Water Authority is considering an innovative water transfer that could eventually deliver drought-resilient water supplies to South Orange County through the Moulton Niguel Water District and help combat increasing water rates for San Diegans.

Both districts have signed a Memorandum of Understanding MOU to begin discussions centering on the Water Authority transferring water supplies to Moulton Niguel, including from the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant.

Agency leaders will determine the details, including when and how a transfer might take place.

The Moulton Niguel Water District serves more than 170,000 customers from Laguna Niguel to San Juan Capistrano.

Previous water transfer deal offers template

Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham speaks at the Dec. 13 signing ceremony in Las Vegas, supporting a set of agreements to sustain the Colorado River and save money for San Diego County water ratepayers. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority historic agreement

Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham speaks at the Dec. 13 signing ceremony in Las Vegas, supporting a set of agreements to sustain the Colorado River and save money for San Diego County water ratepayers. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

In December, the Water Authority completed a similar agreement to transfer water with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Imperial Irrigation District. It saves the Water Authority between $15 million and $20 million while helping to raise the level of Lake Mead.

“The San Diego region’s investments in water supply reliability are being used to protect local ratepayers from rising costs while offering solutions that benefit the entire Southwest,” said Water Authority Board Chair Mel Katz. “We appreciate Moulton Niguel’s vision to explore this concept and we look forward to fashioning a mutually beneficial agreement.”

Moulton Niguel’s 2020 Long Range Water Reliability Plan and Water Reliability Policy prioritize the development and phased addition of new drought-proof water supplies to sustain its service area during droughts, which have hit California with increasing frequency over the past three decades.

“Our Board is committed to making cost-effective investments to enhance water supplies that benefit our service area in dry years, and a potential partnership with the Water Authority is another piece of that plan. In the era of climate extremes, it’s in everyone’s best interest to find partnerships that maintain our economy and quality of life,” said Moulton Niguel Board President Duane D. Cave.

Diverse water portfolio provides water reliability

Desal Plant-5th anniversary-Carlsbad Desalination Plant-drinking watr

The Carlsbad plant uses reverse osmosis to produce approximately 10 percent of the region’s water supply; it is a core supply regardless of weather conditions, and it is blended with water from other sources for regional distribution. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Over the past 20 years, the Water Authority has developed a nationally recognized portfolio of drought-resilient water supplies, including the nation’s largest seawater desalination plant in Carlsbad. Completed in 2015, the facility produces up to 56,000 acre-feet of water a year, meeting about 10% of the region’s water demand.

San Diego region’s per capita water use has dropped by more than 50% during the same time. The reduction in water use by consumers allows the Water Authority to collaborate with other water providers on solutions to climate-induced supply challenges.


Northern California water industry leaders tour the FlorAbunda Nursery in the Elfin Forest area to see water use efficiency measures in place. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Water Management and Efficiency Highlight San Diego Tour

Officials from Northern California visited San Diego County this week as part of a tour focused on regional water use and reliability investments that have been touted as a national model of water management.

San Diego County Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham welcomed about two dozen leaders at the start of the event, explaining how San Diego County’s long-term investment strategy is fueling a new approach to water management. In 2022, drought created dire water shortages across Southern California, but San Diego had sufficient supplies due to a combination of conservation and investments.

Behind the scenes look at water management

FlorAbunda Nursery founder Dana Groot is a fifth generation nurseryman. He founded the nursery in 2001. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority water management

FlorAbunda Nursery owner Dana Groot is a fifth-generation nurseryman and president of the San Diego County Farm Bureau. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“That got us to a point where we started thinking about how we can do things even more differently, and we started working on cooperative agreements with Metropolitan and Imperial Irrigation District and other Southern California water providers to share some of this water we have invested in,” said Denham.

The Water Authority was represented by Board Vice Chair Nick Serrano and Secretary Frank Hilliker, along with Board Member Lois Fong-Sakai and Gail Goldberg, two of the Water Authority’s delegates to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California organized the tour, in collaboration with the Water Authority for the San Diego portion. MWD was represented by Board Chair Adan Ortega and other Board members, along with General Manager Adel Hagekhalil.

The “inspection trip” was designed to give county officials from the Bay-Delta region a behind-the-scenes look at water management in Southern California, where water management, climate and infrastructure are very different than in the northern part of the state.

Tour highlights: Pure Water San Diego, FlorAbunda Nursery

San Diego County Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham welcomed about two dozen leaders at the start of the event, explaining how San Diego County’s long-term investment strategy is fueling a new approach to water management. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

San Diego County Water Authority General Manager Dan Denham welcomed about two dozen leaders at the start of the event, explaining how San Diego County’s long-term investment strategy is fueling a new approach to water management. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The tour started with City of San Diego Utilities Director Juan Guerreiro at the City of San Diego’s Pure Water program – a  phased, multi-year project that will provide nearly half of San Diego’s water supply locally by the end of 2035. Pure Water San Diego will use proven water purification technology to clean recycled water to produce safe, high-quality drinking water. In addition, said Serrano, the city has year-round permanent mandatory water restrictions in place, designed to promote water conservation as a permanent way of life in San Diego.

“We are enormously proud of our citizens and our local water conservation efforts which have reduced City’s per capita water usage to 100 gpcd for the past five years,” Serrano said.

Next, visitors stopped at FlorAbunda Nursery in Escondido’s Elfin Forest. The nursery was founded by Dana Groot, a fifth-generation nurseryman whose ancestors founded the Sluis & Groot Seed Company in Holland in the 1870s. FlorAbunda focuses on the commercial production of premium poinsettias and hydrangeas, with five generations of flower and seed production experience and the best of modern genetics and growing techniques.

The FlorAbunda Nursery in Elfin Forest is a wholesale grower of potted hydrangea, poinsettia, succulents, house plants and other flowering plants, using high-efficiency drop irrigation. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority water management

The FlorAbunda Nursery in Elfin Forest is a wholesale grower of potted hydrangea, poinsettia, succulents, house plants and other flowering plants, using high-efficiency drop irrigation. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Groot, who serves as president of the San Diego County Farm Bureau, showcased the water efficiency of San Diego County’s farm industry. San Diego County is home to more farms – more than 5,500 – than any other county in the U.S., and it is the nation’s top producer of nursery plants and floriculture. Driven both by the cost of water and a conservation ethic, the region’s farmers are strong proponents of water stewardship.

At FlorAbunda, Groot’s five-acre farm is entirely on high-efficiency drip irrigation. “The goal is to keep the water on the targeted areas,” said Groot, who was joined for the tour by Farm Bureau Past President Enrico Ferro and Hilliker, who sits on the Farm Bureau Board. “It’s kind of been a company policy. Everything is going to be on drip. We thought it was the responsible thing to do.”

After leaving San Diego County, the tour group headed for MWD’s Diamond Valley Lake, and then points north, including the Grace Napolitano Pure Water Southern California Innovation Center.

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QSA: Landmark Conservation Pact Marks 20 Years of Water Security for San Diego

Twenty years ago, in October 2003, water officials from across the Southwest signed the largest water conservation-and-transfer agreement in U.S. history, the QSA, or Quantification Settlement Agreement. The agreement has provided decades of water security for San Diego County and benefits for numerous partners across the Southwest. In total, that pact supplies more than half of the water that sustains San Diego County’s 3.3 million residents and $268 billion economy.

The 2003 QSA, provides more than 30 million acre-feet of high-priority conserved water to the San Diego region over multiple decades. It helped stabilize demands on the Colorado River and reduced California’s overdependence on surplus supplies. The historic set of more than 20 agreements resulted from years of negotiations between the San Diego County Water Authority, Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, State of California, and the U.S. Department of the Interior that culminated in a signing ceremony at Hoover Dam.

2003 Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) forged conservation model for Southwest

“This landmark water deal has stood the test of time, providing numerous benefits both in the San Diego region and more broadly across the Southwest,” said Mel Katz, chair of the Water Authority Board of Directors. “One of its most important accomplishments is that it brought water agencies together as collaborators. We’ve had disagreements along the way, but history has validated the value of our collective efforts to provide water security.”

Key components of the QSA included limiting how much water California would take from the Colorado River and a water transfer based on voluntary conservation. The agreement between the Imperial Irrigation District and the Water Authority, the cornerstone of the QSA, remains the largest agriculture-to-urban water transfer in the nation.

Conservation measures

Under the agreement, the Water Authority pays the IID to implement a variety of irrigation system and on-farm conservation measures that collectively save 200,000 acre-feet a year, which is transferred to San Diego County. Conserved water will continue to flow to the San Diego region through 2047, but that agreement can be extended through 2077 if both parties agree. (An acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons, or enough to serve three single-family homes for a year.)

In addition, the Water Authority secured $257 million in state subsidies to help pay for lining portions of the All-American and Coachella canals. As a result of those projects, the Water Authority is receiving 77,700 acre-feet of conserved water annually for 110 years.

Water-use efficiency

The QSA settled long-standing disputes over water inside California, and it provided a means to better manage the river through voluntary conservation programs and a storage program in Lake Mead. Today, the agreements continue to meet the primary goals of ensuring Colorado River water in California and the Lower Basin is put to beneficial use, that agricultural water-use efficiency improvements are adequately funded, water rights are protected, and the environment is addressed, most notably at the Salton Sea.

“The QSA, through its mutually beneficial formula of providing secure water supplies through voluntary conservation, offers a template for other regions of the Southwest as we collectively seek to live within the reduced flows of the Colorado River,” said Dan Denham, Water Authority general manager. “I’m very proud of the work we and our QSA partners have done to get to this point – and I recognize that more collaboration, resilience and vision will be needed to thrive in a hotter and drier future.”