Tag Archive for: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve Photo Contest Open

The Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve photo contest gives amateur photographers more visual opportunities in its 16th year, accepting entries from Fall through early Spring 2023.

Designed to be a fun and educational way to showcase the natural beauty at Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve, the contest is open for entries from November 21, 2022 through April 23, 2023.

After a vote by Facebook followers the 2019 Elfin Forest Photo Contest "People's Choice Award“ went to "Red Jumping Spiderman” by Sabine Kurz-Sherman. Photo: Courtesy Olivenhain Municipal Water District Reserve Photo Contest Opens

Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve Photo Contest Open

The Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve photo contest gives amateur photographers more visual opportunities in its 16th year, accepting entries from Fall through early Spring 2023.

Designed to be a fun and educational way to showcase the natural beauty at Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve, the contest is open for entries from November 21, 2022 through April 23, 2023.

“This is the first year that we’ve held the contest over the fall and winter months, and we hope that it will inspire visitors to view and photograph the reserve in a new way,” said OMWD Board President Larry Watt.

Natural backcountry

Located west of Escondido, the 784-acre reserve celebrates 30 years of recreational opportunities in 2022. EFRR‘s 11 miles of hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trails offer views of the Pacific Ocean, Olivenhain Reservoir, Escondido Creek, and the natural backcountry.

The 2023 Elfin Forest Photo Contest is open to all photographers from Nov. 21, 2022 through April 23, 2023. Photo: Courtesy Olivenhain Municipal Water District Reserve Photo Contest Opens

The 2023 Elfin Forest Photo Contest is open to all photographers through April 23, 2023. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Photography prizes

Winners will be selected from six categories: Water Scenery, Scenic View, Plants, Animals, Youth (age 15 and under), and People’s Choice.

Winning photographers are eligible for prizes from contest sponsors, including $100 cash from the Escondido Creek Conservancy, Zoo/Safari Park passes from the San Diego Zoo, a 24″ x 36″ canvas print from PC-Photo.net, and gear from REI. Select winning submissions will be displayed at the Elfin Forest Interpretive Center Honoring Susan J. Varty.

Contest entries serve to help educate the public on local recreational opportunities and support EFRR’s mission to protect wildlife and natural resources. For official rules and to upload entries, go to: www.olivenhain.com/photo.

Supporting the mission to protect natural resources

"Reservoir Dogs" by CJ Edingfield-Murphy won the 2022 Elfin Forest Reserve Photo Contest Animal category. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

“Reservoir Dogs” by CJ Edingfield-Murphy won the 2022 Elfin Forest Reserve Photo Contest Animal category. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

In previous contests, talented amateur photographers turned their lenses on skies and streams, coyotes and cacti, and found hidden details in nature to produce winning images of the natural beauty protected at EFRR through a partnership between OMWD, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the San Diego County Water Authority.

Open daily from 8 a.m. to approximately thirty minutes before sunset, EFRR is located at 8833 Harmony Grove Road in Escondido. The interpretive center is open daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., subject to docent availability. Admission and parking are free.

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“Serenity” by Peter Montgomery was the 2022 Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve Photo Contest “Best in Show.” Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region. The Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve is an element of the Olivenhain Water Storage Project and the San Diego County Water Authority’s Emergency Storage Project. Owned by the Water Authority and managed by OMWD, the Reserve has been designed to unify the interests of domestic water supply development, natural resources management, and recreational opportunities.)

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

2022 “Pure Excellence” Award Winners Honored by Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Encinitas, Calif.— At its November 16 board meeting, Olivenhain Municipal Water District recognized seven individuals and businesses with “Pure Excellence” awards for making a positive impact in the local community in 2022.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Sixteenth Annual Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve Amateur Photography Contest Launches November 21

Encinitas, Calif. — Olivenhain Municipal Water District invites amateur photographers of all ages to Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve for the sixteenth annual amateur photography contest that will run November 21, 2022 through April 23, 2023.

The 784-acre reserve is celebrating 30 years of operation in 2022, and the contest prompts participants to capture its natural beauty in creative and unique ways. The 11 miles of hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trails provide opportunities to photograph Escondido Creek, native plant communities, the Pacific Ocean, Channel and Coronado Islands, and Laguna and San Bernardino mountain ranges.

“This is the first year that we’ve held the contest over the fall and winter months, and we hope that it will inspire visitors to view and photograph the reserve in a new way,” said OMWD Board President Larry Watt.

To encourage water conservation as drought conditions persist, North County water district offer discounted rain barrels to area residents. Photo: Solana Center

Water Districts Offer Discounted Rain Barrels

Due to the persistence of California’s unprecedented megadrought, capturing rainfall when it occurs is a conservation priority. Several water districts in North San Diego County are offering discounted rain barrels.

To encourage water conservation as drought conditions persist, the Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, San Dieguito Water District, and Santa Fe Irrigation District, are offering discounted rain barrels to area residents.

Collecting rainwater for future use saves both potable water and consumer costs. Capturing rainwater also reduces irrigation runoff that can carry pollutants into local waterways and beaches. This is especially true in the “first flush” of the rain season currently underway.

Capture the rain

Fifty-gallon barrels are on sale for $97, with a final cost of $62 after a $35 rebate from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Rebates on rain barrels and other water-saving measures are available at www.SoCalWaterSmart.com.

Rain barrels ordered through November 30 will be available for pick up at the Solana Center for Environmental Innovation at 137 North El Camino Real in Encinitas. Visit the Solana Center’s website for more information and to place your order.

Rain barrels conserve water for Watersmart landscape maintenance

Although San Diego County’s average rainfall in normal seasons is just under ten inches annually, even light rain can provide enough water for later use. A roof with a 2,000-square-foot surface area can capture 300 gallons from only a quarter inch of rain.

Rain Barrels-Drought-Water Conservation

Stored water can be released gradually into Watersmart landscaping between winter rainstorms, building up the soil sponge and ensuring that native plants get adequate water during the winter months when they need it most. If you need additional water in the summer and capture enough of it during the winter, you may be able to use your stored water for supplemental irrigation.

Rain barrels are inexpensive to purchase and easy to install. Practice pest management and use screens to prevent mosquito breeding. With minimum maintenance and common sense, the water can be kept safe.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District, City of Carlsbad, San Dieguito Water District, and Santa Fe Irrigation District, are four of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Water Recycling Projects Expanding in San Diego County

A proactive approach to developing diversified water sources, including water recycling projects and conservation efforts, are helping the San Diego region weather the current drought. The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is working on multiple projects to expand the use of recycled water.

Once complete, the Manchester Avenue Recycled Water Project will reduce demand for imported potable water by more than 10 million gallons every year. Photo: Joe Jensen, Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Water Recycling Projects Expanding in San Diego County

A proactive approach to developing diversified water sources, including water recycling projects and conservation efforts, are helping the San Diego region weather the current drought.

The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is working on multiple projects to expand the use of recycled water. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation awarded the North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition, led by OMWD, $17.8 million in August for the development of recycled water infrastructure in North County.

Combined with the $6.1 million the federal agency granted to the coalition in 2021, up to $23.9 million will help cover costs for work performed on water reclamation and reuse projects through 2025. The coalition consists of nine water and wastewater agencies coordinating recycled water efforts across jurisdictional boundaries.

“Our board is proud to be a water district that consistently innovates to reduce project costs,” said OMWD Board Director Neal Meyers. “We constantly develop new funding partnerships, and we aggressively pursue grant funds to help build our vital infrastructure projects at the lowest possible cost to our ratepayers.”

Recent construction of advanced water treatment facilities at the San Elijo Water Reclamation Facility allows for increased recycled water production using high-salinity influent. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District water supply development

Recent construction of advanced water treatment facilities at the San Elijo Water Reclamation Facility allows for increased recycled water production. Photo: Courtesy SEJPA

Regional Recycled Water Project

The Regional Recycled Water Project will increase the capacity and connectivity of the recycled water storage and distribution systems of the coalition members and maximize reuse of available wastewater supplies.

To do this, the project will replace potable water uses with recycled water components, convert facilities to recycled water service, connect discrete recycled water systems to one another, increase recycled water storage capacity, and distribute recycled water to effectively meet recycled water demands.

Maximizing water reuse, increasing local supply

Project objectives include optimizing available wastewater resources to help offset demands for imported potable water; proactively planning for facilities to meet demands for existing and planned growth in member service areas; combining resources and working together to maximize water reuse; and increasing water supply availability, reliability, and sustainability.

When all long-term project elements are completed, North San Diego County will gain approximately 41 million gallons per day of recycled water and potable reuse water.

Manchester Avenue project underway in Encinitas

Once complete, the Manchester Avenue Recycled Water Project will reduce demand for imported potable water by more than 10 million gallons every year. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District water supply development

Once complete, the Manchester Avenue Recycled Water Project will reduce demand for imported potable water by more than 10 million gallons every year. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Work began on OMWD’s Manchester Avenue Recycled Water Project in summer of 2022. As of October 1, more than half of the total 6,884 feet of recycled water pipeline has been installed. Once complete, irrigation customers connecting to the pipeline will reduce demand for imported potable water by more than 10 million gallons every year.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District  is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

North County Water Agencies Offers Low‐Cost Rain Barrels to Help Customers Save Water

Encinitas, Calif. — To encourage water conservation as drought conditions persist, Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, San Dieguito Water District, and Santa Fe Irrigation District have partnered to offer discounted rain barrels to area residents this fall. Collecting rainwater for future use not only can save drinking water and money, but also reduces irrigation runoff that can carry pollutants into local waterways and beaches.

Although average rainfall in San Diego County is just under ten inches annually, even light rain can provide a sufficient amount of water for later use. For example, a roof with a 2,000‐square‐foot surface area can capture 300 gallons from only a quarter inch of rain.

Rain barrels at Solana Center

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Rain barrels ordered from October 1 to November 30 will be available for pick up at Solana Center for Environmental Innovation located at 137 North El Camino Real in Encinitas. Photo: Solana Center

Fifty‐gallon barrels are on sale for $97, with a final cost of $62 after a $35 rebate from water wholesaler Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Rebates on rain barrels and other water‐saving measures are available at www.socalwatersmart.com.

Rain barrels ordered from October 1 to November 30 will be available for pick up at Solana Center for Environmental Innovation located at 137 North El Camino Real in Encinitas. Visit www.solanacenter.org/rain‐barrels for more information and to order rain barrels.

Catching rain in barrels not only saves water for use in gardening and landscaping but also prevents rainwater from draining to the ocean and picking up contaminants along the way.

(Editor’s note: The City of Carlsbad, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, San Dieguito Water District and the Santa Fe Irrigation District are four of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

OMWD Offers Free Water-Wise Landscape Design Workshop on October 8

Olivenhain Municipal Water District invites members of the public to attend a free water-wise landscape design workshop on Saturday, October 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event will be held at OMWD’s headquarters at 1966 Olivenhain Road in Encinitas. Drought survival kits will also be available free of charge, featuring water reuse buckets, hose nozzles, moisture sensors, and other water-saving tools.

OMWD Board President Larry Watt will lead a discussion about drought conditions. Steve Sherman of California Landscape Technologies will follow with an informative and interactive workshop that will feature methods to reduce outdoor water use and increase irrigation efficiencies. Registration for the workshop is available at www.olivenhain.com/events.

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

OMWD Offers Free Water-Wise Landscape Design Workshop on October 8

Encinitas, Calif. — Olivenhain Municipal Water District invites members of the public to attend a free water-wise landscape design workshop on Saturday, October 8 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event will be held at OMWD’s headquarters at 1966 Olivenhain Road in Encinitas. Drought survival kits will also be available free of charge, featuring water reuse buckets, hose nozzles, moisture sensors, and other water-saving tools.

OMWD Board President Larry Watt will lead a discussion about drought conditions. Steve Sherman of California Landscape Technologies will follow with an informative and interactive workshop that will feature methods to reduce outdoor water use and increase irrigation efficiencies. Registration for the workshop is available at www.olivenhain.com/events.

Water-wise and WaterSmart rebates

This public event is one of the first at OMWD’s newly improved headquarters. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the new facilities, learn more about the ongoing drought, get advice on water conservation practices, and learn more about available rebate programs.

“Every drop of recycled water used on our landscapes replaces a drop of imported drinking water,” said OMWD Board Secretary Bob Topolavac, after the agency received a water recycling award recently. “With the state now in its third consecutive dry year, it is more critical than ever to be promoting the benefits of recycled water to new potential users to expand the use of this sustainable water supply.”