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Opinion: Changing the Climate for Environmental Racism

Environmental toxic exposure suffered in many minority neighborhoods is part of the systemic racism evident in society, and environmental justice belongs near the top of discussions to right those wrongs, writes Kevin McKie, an attorney at the Environmental Litigation Group P.C. Communities can take several steps, including passing legislation requiring industries to comply with stricter environmental regulations or pay additional fines, requiring that stringent environmental impact studies be performed before construction of new plants or the installation of toxic emission monitoring stations, and offering free medical monitoring.

West Coast Wildfires, Gulf Coast Hurricanes: How Climate Change Connects These Extreme Events

In Northern California, crews labored Thursday to control megafires sparked by a rare barrage of lightning strikes.

Across the country, a Category 4 hurricane made landfall overnight in Louisiana, destroying buildings and toppling powerlines with unrelenting winds and rain.

The winning landscape makeover features a lush palette of plants in place of a thirsty lawn. Photo: City of Escondido waterwise landscaping

Waterwise Landscaping Blooms in Escondido

A lush native garden low on water use but not on style won first place in the City of Escondido’s 2020 WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

To encourage customers to reduce outdoor water use, the City of Escondido recognizes its customers whose yards best exhibit the beauty of California-friendly, low-water gardening in the annual competition.

The Brants' landscaping before its award-winning waterwise landscaping makeover. Photo: City of Escondido

The Brants’ landscaping before its award-winning waterwise landscaping makeover. Photo: City of Escondido

Winners Todd and Susie Brant said when they moved to Escondido and experienced its hot, dry weather, they began to reconsider whether they wanted to waste water resources watering a thirsty front lawn. They took advantage of the San Diego County Water Authority’s landscape makeover classes, then learned about the Turf Replacement Program, which could help cover the costs of removing their lawn and replacing it.

The Brants selected plants they loved and "found a place" for them. Photo: City of Escondido

The Brants selected plants they loved and “found a place” for them. Photo: City of Escondido

“We followed all the instructions carefully and were able to get the entire project paid for from the plants to the labor, and even some help from a landscape design professional,” said the Brants.

A little bit of everything

Waterwise plant choices don't have to be boring. Photo: City of Escondido

Waterwise plant choices don’t have to be boring. Photo: City of Escondido

The transformation is dramatic from a featureless patch of lawn to a palette bursting with agaves, succulents, sage, bird of paradise, dwarf bougainvillea, and more.

“As you’ll see in the photos, we have a little bit of everything!” said Susie Brant. “We just wander around the nursery, and if we like a plant, we’ll take one home and find a place for it.”

The Brants also retrofitted their irrigation system’s sprinkler heads with new ones that use much less water.

Virtual landscape makeover classes

The Brants took advantage of the San Diego County Water Authority's Landscape Makeover classes to help them plan their project. Photo: City of Escondido

The Brants took advantage of the San Diego County Water Authority’s landscape makeover classes to help them plan their project. Photo: City of Escondido

The Water Authority’s WaterSmart Landscaping Makeover classes are now available online. The next class is scheduled for September 12. The free, three-hour workshops teach the basics of how to do a landscape makeover. Each workshop covers topics different topics. Topics include soil, design, turf removal, plant selection, planning, irrigation, rainwater catchment, and implementation — all the elements needed to convert high-water-use turf to a beautiful, water-efficient landscape.

All weekday workshops are held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday workshops from 9 a.m. to Noon. Workshops are free, but participants must register in advance at WaterSmartSD. Courses are also scheduled for October and November.

Water Groups Call for More Funding as Way to Pull Nation out of COVID Recession

Decades of inadequate investment in water infrastructure has exacerbated the economic challenges faced by water and wastewater utilities in the era of COVID-19, according to a new report released Aug. 26 by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the U.S. Water Alliance’s Value of Water Campaign.


Environmental Justice Becomes Part of California City Planning

More than 140 cities and counties in California intend to update their long-term plans over the next two years to include environmental justice, meaning air pollution, water quality, and other factors affecting disadvantaged communities would get a closer look.

Local governments across the country typically have general plans that spell out long-term visions for land use, open space, housing, safety, and other planning factors. Some local governments haven’t updated their overall general plans since the 1970s, said Erik de Kok, a program manager in the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.

U.S. Flood Strategy Shifts to ‘Unavoidable’ Relocation of Entire Neighborhoods

Using tax dollars to move whole communities out of flood zones, an idea long dismissed as radical, is swiftly becoming policy, marking a new and more disruptive phase of climate change.

Leaders Warn that San Diego Could be Next for Destructive Wildfires

Mayor Kevin Faulconer joined San Diego Fire Chief Colin Stowell and Councilman Chris Cate Wednesday to urge residents to stay on high alert, get prepared and stay informed, citing the historic lightning-sparked fires raging in northern California in stressing the need to be vigilant.

California’s Dams Need Repairs to Survive Future Major Flood, says Author

A recent UCLA study says that in the next 40 years, California could likely see a flood massive enough to cause nearly $1 trillion of damage, force millions of people to evacuate, and leave houses in California’s Central Valley 30 to 40 feet underwater. And the state is ill-prepared when it comes to infrastructure like dams that could prevent flooding.

Opinion: California Must Prepare its Electric Grid for Complex Climate Risks

California was caught flat-footed by the climate-driven challenges it has faced last week: extreme temperatures, unseasonable lightning strikes, diminishing water supplies and red flag fire conditions. As a result, CalFire was short on firefighters to battle the blazes and the electric utilities had too little power to serve all of their customers at the same time.

Ocean Water Has Record Temperature Off San Diego Coast

San Diego ocean temperatures hit record territory this past weekend, as a heatwave also baked the San Diego Region. The record comes just weeks after the unseasonably cool ocean temperatures were recorded. Someone has taken the temperature at the end of Scripps Pier every day for more than 100 years. Sunday’s reading tied for the hottest on record 79.5 degrees Fahrenheit. It tied the record that was set just two years ago.