Welcome to the Board: Consuelo Martinez, City of Escondido
Editor’s Note: This feature highlights new members of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 36-member Board of Directors. Each of the Water Authority’s 24 member agencies appoints at least one representative to the Board, which sets policy for the Water Authority.
Welcome to the Board: Consuelo Martinez, City of Escondido
Who: Consuelo Martinez was seated on the Board of Directors on May 27, 2020, representing the City of Escondido. Director Martinez serves on the Imported Water and Legislation and Public Outreach committees for the Water Authority.
Background/Education: Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Women’s Studies from CSUSM. Deputy Mayor, City of Escondido
Water Industry Affiliations:
*SDCWA Citizens Water Academy Graduate (2019)
*WELL 2019 Training Participant (Water Education for Latino Leaders)
Q & A
Q: How did you get interested in water issues?
A: I was a political science major at California State University San Marcos when I first learned of a book that was dedicated to the politics of water. I was surprised that water could be so political. A few years later, friends and colleagues from the nonprofit MANA de San Diego graduated from the San Diego County Water Authority’s Citizens Water Academy and they recommended that I also enroll. It took a few years for timing to work out, but I am so glad I graduated through the program. It was eye-opening and very helpful in my new role was policy maker.
Q: What are your priorities or interests as a Board member?
A: To learn and help our residents (rate payers) understand how precious our water is and empower them as informed stakeholders. I would like our region to be a leader in safe, reliable and affordable water.
Q: Besides maintaining safe and reliable water supplies, what do you see as the top three issues facing the San Diego region?
A: Income inequality, housing affordability, and climate change.
Q: What do you like to do when you are not working?
A: Spending time with my partner, Patrick, trying a new restaurant or discovering a new street food vendor, and taking care of my plants.
The Water Authority’s Board of Directors typically meets on the fourth Thursday of each month. The Board invites the public to attend its monthly meetings and to comment on agenda items or other matters before the Board. For meeting times, agendas and documents, go to www.sdcwa.org/board-directors.