Tag Archive for: wastewater reuse

Border Report: Tijuana Looks to Quench Its Thirst with Recycled Water

For more than 15 years, a pair of sewage treatment plants in eastern Tijuana have presented an opportunity – and a challenge.

The plants, Arturo Herrera and La Morita, raised hopes for a major wastewater reuse effort in the city – for irrigation, construction and industrial use. U.S. and Mexican authorities celebrated their opening, saying the effort would benefit both sides of the border.

California Policy Czars Ignore Water-Supply Solutions in Plain Sight

Chronic water scarcity in California is indeed the new normal, but it’s not because of climate change. Even if the state is destined to experience lengthier droughts and reduced snowpack, most scenarios also forecast an abundance of years when the state is inundated with a series of so-called atmospheric rivers. That diluvian scenario was experienced by Californians this past winter, and even more so in the winter of 2022–23. Yet water remains scarce.

California Moves to Expand Reuse of Wastewater for Drinking

New proposed state regulations would allow cities to pipe highly purified wastewater directly into drinking water supplies.