
Los Angeles Will Get $139 Million For Groundwater Replenishment Over 25 Years

As part of a $250 million commitment to support four water supply projects in Southern California, Los Angeles will receive $139 million over 25 years for its Groundwater Replenishment Project in the San Fernando Valley, officials announced on Monday, April 15.

How Much Stormwater Can We Actually Capture?

From January to February, Southern California went from quite dry to overwhelmingly wet, as a series of storms dropped more than a year’s worth of water in just a few weeks, loading up the L.A. River.

Opinion: A Week of Rain is Nice, but Does Virtually Nothing to Help L.A.’s Water Issues

Southern California’s March rain is a welcome relief, coming as it does after a mostly dry January and an absolutely desiccated February. Los Angeles, like much of the rest of the state, had been in drought and was getting by without severe conservation measures only because of reservoirs still brimming from the soaking winter of 2017 and a succession of moderately wet follow-ups.

We have a name for late winter storms that come at the end of mostly failed rainy seasons. We call them March Miracles. The granddaddy of them all came in 1991, when California was facing a desperate water shortage only to be hit by a late-March Sierra blizzard that packed a whole season’s worth of moisture into three days.