Tag Archive for: San DIeguito Water District

City of San Diego May Release Water from Lake Hodges in Coming Months

The city of San Diego may release water from Lake Hodges reservoir into San Dieguito River in coming months if heavy rain raises the water level above the maximum permitted.

For safety reasons, the California Division of Safety of Dams has determined that the water level should not be above 295 feet, which is 20 feet below the spillway elevation. If the water nears that level when rain is forecast, city officials will likely open valves at the dam for a controlled release of some of the water. The released water will enter San Dieguito River and eventually the Pacific Ocean.
Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Offers Graywater Workshop on October 22

Encinitas, CA—As part of its continued efforts to reduce potable water demand, Olivenhain Municipal Water District is co-hosting a free graywater workshop with partners San Dieguito Water District and Solana Center for Environmental Innovation. Participants will learn how to build a branched drain system step-by-step. The workshop will be held at the Encinitas Community Center from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on October 22.