
Coronavirus Strikes Latino Families Near California’s Salton Sea

When Alexis Rodriguez laughs too hard, she sometimes gets such a bad cough that she needs to use her inhaler. It’s been this way for the 29-year-old since she was first diagnosed with asthma as a child. Her symptoms typically rear up in the spring, when the high desert around California’s Salton Sea starts to warm, and the dust begins to blow. But Covid-19 was something else.

California Had a Plan to Bring Clean Water to a Million People. Then the Pandemic Hit

The water is too contaminated to safely drink, but residents of this farmworker community in the Central Valley pay $74 a month just to be able to turn on the tap at home.

Their bills are even higher if they use more than 50 gallons a day, a fraction of daily water consumption for the average California household. And when Fresno County completes a new well that has been planned for years, the price will increase again to cover the cost of treating manganese-laced water pumped from hundreds of feet below.

Road to Recovery Includes Alternative Design Solutions Resulting in New Ways to Procure and Deliver Services

As the world resets for a long-awaited post-coronavirus existence, new realities for business and life in general are taking shape. Amid a plethora of forecasts on changes involving how and where post-COVID-19 business will be conducted, it is a safe bet that employees and overall public health will be a primary influencer as the evolution to the “next normal” begins.

California Still Doesn’t Have a Plan to Bring Back Clean Energy Jobs Lost to COVID-19

Ever since it became clear the COVID-19 pandemic would send the U.S. economy into a tailspin, there’s been lots of talk about using government stimulus funds to create clean energy jobs rather than propping up fossil fuel companies whose business model is fueling the climate crisis.

Resilience Must Be Viewed Through a Big-Picture Lens

Water is assumed to be among the most ‘resilient’ of sectors. Whatever the economic picture, we all need water. Sophisticated engineering design means technical threats can be engineered out. And the experience of Covid-19 so far appears to back up the assumption. The share prices of the big water firms have held up well; issues like increased demand have had only a minimal effect.

Unpaid Bills Spiking at Some Water Utilities

Several state legislators have asked the Governor to extend his order prohibiting water shutoffs for nonpayment to even the smallest water utilities.

Right now, the Governor’s April 2 order applies to water utilities serving 200 or more connections.

As If the Pandemic Weren’t Enough, 2020 Might Be the Hottest Year Ever

Welcome back to Boiling Point, a newsletter about climate change and the environment in California and the American West. If this is your first edition, we’re glad to have you.

Landmark Groundwater Act Enters a Crucial Period

As Covid-19 and social unrest dominates news headlines, another problem beneath Central Valley residents’ feet is coming to surface. This was the first year plans had to be submitted for many irrigation districts through the state of California as part of 2014’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.

California Nut Farmers Burdened By Huge Supply, Low Demand

The coronavirus pandemic has touched nearly every corner of California’s society and its economy — including the state’s nut farmers, who are blessed with a bounty of ripe fruit but cursed by plummeting demand for their product.

211 San Diego Offers Help With Food, Housing, Utility Bills and More During Pandemic

The answer to resolving many COVID-19 roadblocks faced by our community members can be found at 2-1-1 San Diego through its Community Information Exchange ecosystem.