California and the U.S.

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in Caliornia and the rest of the United States.

Opinion: Newsom Must Stop the Westlands Water Grab and Save the San Francisco Bay-Delta

The San Francisco Bay-Delta, the largest estuary on the West Coast, was once the home to fisheries that produced five million pounds of canned salmon a year. The Delta’s largest city, Stockton, is where children swam, rowed boats, and canoed after school in places made navigable through their parents and grandparents’ labor. Today, our children […]

Restoring the River with the Yurok, Hupa, and Karuk

For the past two centuries, California has relied heavily on the natural resources of the North Coast region, exploiting its pristine watersheds for agriculture and its forests for timber. But today, the environmental costs of timber extraction and damming have reached a tipping point. Now the Yurok are working with local and state organizations to […]

9 Points From USDA Irrigation Survey

The 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey results were published Nov. 13 by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. “The 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey, formerly titled the Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey, expands on the data collected in the 2017 Census of Agriculture,” said NASS Administrator Hubert Hamer. “This report offers detailed, comprehensive, […]

San Francisco Recycled Water Program Pushing Wastewater Towards Drinkability

By design, the San Francisco Public Utilities Building is exceedingly green. It opened in 2012 and for years the building has been recycling its wastewater for things like flushing the toilets. Now, that water can be consumed. “Everything that’s connected in this room to the transparent pipe is part of our research project,” explains Manisha […]

Southern California May See Flash Floods After Destructive Wildfires

As California deals with the aftermath of several devastating wildfires, heavy rainfall hitting the charred remains of the terrain could cause floods in the southern part of the state. Rainfall in Southern California began on Tuesday, flooding some roads, and was forecast to continue through Thursday morning. Some areas of California were expected to see […]

‘They’re Going to Dry Up’: Debate Erupts Over Plan to Move Water From Farmland to Suburbs

A private company and the town of Queen Creek are proposing a water deal that would leave 485 acres of farmland permanently dry near the Colorado River and send the water used on that land to the fast-growing Phoenix suburb. The company GSC Farm LLC is seeking to sell its annual entitlement of 2,083 acre-feet […]