
Judge: California Can’t Require Cancer Label for Weed Killer

California can’t require a cancer warning label on Roundup, the world’s most widely used weed-killer, a federal judge ruled Monday. U.S. District Judge William Shubb issued a permanent injunction against the labeling, saying the state couldn’t meet a legal standard for such a requirement, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

San Diego County’s War Over Roundup

It’s everywhere, taking over like the weeds it’s meant to kill. Now glyphosate, the bestselling weedbuster of all time, has become a pest.

“Everybody in this room has glyphosate and other components in Roundup in their body,” said Dave Schubert, a researcher at Salk Institute who spoke in favor of a ban last week that supervisors have proposed for the unincorporated county.

Around the country, tens of thousands of lawsuits target glyphosate-based herbicides which homeowners, groundskeepers and others say caused their cancer. Heavy use of the chemical in agriculture has promoted superweeds, and is suspected of harming pollinators like honeybees.