Tag Archive for: Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board

Massive Dixie Fire burn Scar Could Cause Unprecedented Runoff Into Waterways This Winter

State water officials are facing unprecedented challenges preventing erosion and runoff this winter after the Dixie Fire burned more acreage than any other single wildfire in California history. Crews have begun erosion control projects and are planning for the run-off of sediment into the Sierra watershed throughout the wet season. Crews with the California Conservation Corps are out doing erosion control in the burn scar areas in Greenville, in Plumas County. Most of the town was destroyed in the Dixie Fire.

Central Valley Water Board Plan to Reduce Nitrate Contamination in Groundwater Gets Approval

Help is on the way, both immediate and long-term, for the nitrate and salt contamination of groundwater basins and surface water in the Central Valley. Although the long-term resolution may be a multi-year process, stakeholders have developed a plan to address one of the region’s most challenging water quality problems.

After more than 13 years in development by stakeholders and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB) a plan was approved earlier this week by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to address the buildup of salt and nitrates in Central Valley groundwater basins and surface water.