Tag Archive for: Bureau of Reclamation

Two Congressmen Request Review after Times Report on Central Valley Water Heist

Two members of Congress have asked the Government Accountability Office to review how vulnerable the Bureau of Reclamation is to water theft following a Los Angeles Times report on an audacious and long-running heist from a federal canal in the Central Valley.

The facts related in the story “raise serious concerns about how widespread water theft is and what Reclamation can do to prevent water theft in the future,” Reps. Jarred Huffman (D-San Rafael) and Raul M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) wrote in their letter requesting the review.

U.S. Government Awards $520 Million to Revitalize Aging Water Delivery Systems

Acting Deputy Secretary of the Interior Laura Daniel-Davis announced more than $520 million from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda to revitalize aging water delivery systems across the western U.S.

California’s Lake Shasta Set to Fill Completely

Lake Shasta could reach its full capacity this spring, following a high amount of rainfall in California. The largest reservoir in California has been steadily rising since the beginning of March. It has gone up sharply since the start of the year, which saw its levels at 1,012 feet, compared to its current level on April 5 of 1,058 feet

US States to Conserve Land, Water With Solar On Canals

Three projects in California, Utah, and Oregon will soon integrate solar panels onto water canals, thanks to federal funding from the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which allocated $25 million for PV installations co-located with water reclamation facilities.

Sites Reservoir Aims to Reshape California’s Water Landscape

Colusa County, California, could soon be home to the largest new reservoir in the state in 50 years. In accordance with the Bureau of Reclamation’s recommendation, Congress greenlit the allocation of $205.6 million in federal funding for the Sites Reservoir Project under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN Act).

3 New California Agreements Announced to Save Colorado River Water; Billions Adding Up

The federal government announced three new conservation agreements to bolster water storage in Lake Mead and Lake Powell on Tuesday. The new agreements total about 400,000 acre-feet of water savings — more than twice the amount of Colorado River water used by Las Vegas over the past year.

5 Southern Nevada Water Issues To Watch In 2024

It was just 18 months ago when the commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation warned that the Colorado Water River system was in danger of collapse unless wholesale water use reductions were enacted — cutbacks much bigger than the system has ever seen.

Officials Commit to Deals to Conserve Colorado River Water

California water districts and Bureau of Reclamation officials today commemorated a series of 21 water conservation agreements that will save 1.6 million acre feet of Colorado River water through 2026.

Reclamation Pumps $295M Into California Water Savings

The Biden administration signed agreements with California water agencies Wednesday to conserve a significant share of water through 2025, part of a larger effort to stave off potential disaster in the drought-stricken Colorado River Basin.

The deals, including some expected to be signed as soon as next week, will save 643,000 acre-feet of water — nearly 210 billion gallons — in Lake Mead, the Bureau of Reclamation said.

Sites Reservoir Project Finally Gets Green Light, Construction Expected to Begin in 2024

Located just over an hour north of Sacramento in Glenn and Colusa counties lies 14,000 acres of grassland, streams and the main canal of the two counties’ shared irrigation district.

It’s the site of the planned Sites Reservoir, which has long been eyed as a possible place to store excess surface water from across California. The project was first proposed in the 1950s, but failed — and was re-proposed several times since then. Now, after roughly 70 years and several iterations, the off-river storage basin west of the Sacramento Valley is being streamlined and moving forward.