Tag Archive for: American River

What Do Increased Releases From Folsom Dam Mean For Region’s Water Levels?

Rising river levels? It’s been a surprising sight in recent days for people out along the American River.

California is in year three of a severe drought and people are being asked to conserve, but water releases from Folsom Dam are being dramatically increased this week.

American River in Sacramento Still Tainted with Feces, Despite New Parkway Bathrooms

Over the scorching hot Memorial Day weekend, hundreds of people headed to Tiscornia Beach near the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers, one of the region’s most popular swimming areas. A few days earlier, state scientists had collected water samples with rates of E. coli bacteria that reached the highest limits of the testing equipment. The samples on May 12 and May 21 at Tiscornia Beach were at least seven times higher than state and federal standards for E. coli in a waterway.

Folsom Dam is Being Raised. What That Means for Droughts, Boating and Your Flood Insurance

Folsom Dam has long quietly served as a backstop for Sacramento, offering critical flood protection to one of the most at-risk metropolitan areas in the country. But a few scary winter storms in the 1980s and 1990s proved that the dam and the region’s extensive system of river levees weren’t as fail-safe as thought.

That’s prompted several billion dollars of flood control work since then.