California and the U.S.

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in Caliornia and the rest of the United States.

Trump’s Rule A Wild Card For Western Water Supplies

The Trump administration’s proposal to limit the Clean Water Act’s reach over wetlands and waterways would likely complicate efforts to protect and manage the parched West’s most important and imperiled source of water. At risk: the Colorado River — water provider for 40 million people and vast swaths of cropland — which is already reeling […]

DWR Releases Draft California Water Plan Update 2018 For Public Review

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) yesterday released the Public Review Draft of the California Water Plan Update 2018. The draft plan presents a vision for greater collaboration in water management, with a focus on achieving long-term sustainability and improvements to public health, the economy, and the environment. The California Water Plan is the state’s comprehensive strategic plan for […]

OPINION: A Long-Term Solution To California’s Water Woes

After years of drought and the recent devastating wildfires, Californians have been frequently reminded of water’s key role in everything from subduing the tragic blazes to its continuous uses for key agriculture, residential and commercial needs across the state. In the past, California has battled shortages and water challenges by rationing. But Israel has shown […]

Warming Winters And Dwindling Sierra Nevada Snowpack Will Squeeze Water Resources In Parts Of California, NOAA Reports

Snowmelt from the Sierra Nevada Mountains provides roughly 75 percent of California’s agricultural water, and 60 percent of Southern California’s water resources. Warm winters can cause snow droughts in the Sierra Nevada, both by nudging precipitation in the direction of rainfall rather than snowfall, and by melting snow sooner. A new study by researchers at the University […]

Democrats’ House Takeover Could mean Big changes For California Water Policy

Among the changes ahead when Democrats take control of the House in January, add this one: The switch will upend the balance of power in California’s water wars. In the two years since Republicans’ 2016 election triumphs, party members from the Central Valley led by the current House majority leader, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, […]

As Colorado River Stakeholders Draft A Drought Plan, The Margin For Error In Managing Water Supplies Narrows

As stakeholders labor to nail down effective and durable drought contingency plans for the Colorado River Basin, they face a stark reality: Scientific research is increasingly pointing to even drier, more challenging times ahead. The latest sobering assessment landed the day after Thanksgiving, when U.S. Global Change Research Program’s Fourth National Climate Assessment concluded that Earth’s climate […]