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Typical Household Water, Sewer Bills Increased 56% Since 2012

Bluefield Research has announced some of the findings in its new report on water and sewer utility rates in U.S. households.

The Colorado River’s Biggest User Will Conserve Some Water in Exchange for Federal Dollars

The Imperial Irrigation District in California, which uses more Colorado River water than any other farm district or city in the West, has agreed to conserve 100,000 acre-feet in 2023 in exchange for payments from the federal government. It’s less than half the amount of water the district originally proposed saving last spring.

Cities Are Changing Groundwater Availability for Residential Growth

According to the US Drought Monitor, 28.8% of the lower 48 states are in drought. At one point in 2022, almost half of the country was in a drought condition. The lack of precipitation plays havoc on the groundwater supply which is the basic water supply for most Americans.

Atmospheric River Threatening West Coast With Floods, Heavy Rain

An atmospheric river will continue to impact the West Coast over the next 24 hours.

A record amount of moisture is hitting the Pacific Northwest as the powerful system continues to bring heavy rainfall to the region.

CA Farmers Agree to Conserve 100,000 Acre-feet of Lake Mead Water in Exchange for Compensation

Southern California has agreed to conserve enough water in Lake Mead to support upwards of 300,000 single family homes for a year under an agreement struck with the federal government.

This Dying Lake Could Be the Site of California’s Next ‘Gold’ Rush

The Salton Sea, once a resort destination and now largely overlooked, could be the site of California‘s next gold rush – this time involving lithium.

New Water-Sharing Agreement Expected to Boost Lake Mead, Mitigate Rising Prices

In the wake of the arrival of a history-making year in weather, the San Diego County Water Authority is working with two other agencies and the federal government to implement lasting changes to regional water management.

Proposal for New Water District Sparks Fear of Northern California ‘Water Grab’

As California grapples with worsening cycles of drought, a proposal to create a new water district in Butte County has sparked fears of a profit-driven water grab by large-scale farmers and outside interests.

Imperial Irrigation District OKs Plan Aimed at Preserving Colorado River, Salton Sea

The Biden Administration will pay the Imperial Irrigation District an estimated $77.6 million for conserving 100,000 acre-feet of water in the Colorado River this year, setting the stage for more than half a billion dollars in federal funds to be paid to the agency, the river’s largest user, to conserve far more through 2026.

California Sets Initial Water Allocation Forecast at 10%

The California Department of Water Resources on Friday said its initial State Water Project allocation forecast is 10% of requested supplies for next year — a 5% increase from its December 2022 initial forecast.