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Op-Ed: Recent Storms Underscore the Need to Invest in Stormwater Infrastructure

In the past few decades, we have witnessed the pendulum swinging back and forth in California between managing drought, to questions about how we will handle too much water. While the weather might be fickle, one thing is certain, climate change will make extreme weather more common and will require residents to invest in their stormwater infrastructure.

Stormwater Tax One Step Closer To Making It On November Ballot

A stormwater tax is one step closer to making its way on the November ballot after a San Diego City Council committee voted unanimously Wednesday to direct staff to take a closer look at what this measure would look like.

Experts Urge California To Avoid Pitfalls In Water Deals In The Delta

Some of the thorniest debates over water in California revolve around the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, where pumps send water flowing to farms and cities, and where populations of native fish have been declining.

A New Tool Can Help Protect California and Nevada Communities From Floods While Preserving Their Water Supply

At the dawn of the new year in 1997, the Truckee River transformed. The winter season had thus far been great for snow, but when a subtropical storm from near the Hawaiian Islands rolled in, it carried with it unseasonably warm rain. The warm rainfall combined with snowmelt to swell the rivers, with the Truckee burying much of downtown Reno under water.

Pacific Storm Moving East After Drenching Many Areas of San Diego County With An Inch or More of Rain

The sixth major storm to hit San Diego County since November unleashed heavy rain across much of the region before dawn Wednesday, further saturating slide-prone coastal bluffs and bringing urban waterways to life once again, the National Weather Service said.

Money For Clean Water Coming To Every State

The Biden administration wants to guarantee access to clean water throughout the country and one way it wants to do that is by removing lead pipes.

What Is California Doing To Capture and Store All The Water From Winter Storms?

We all know the saying about saving something for a rainy day, but in California it’s about saving the water for a dry day.

How Two California Reservoir Water Levels Changed After Atmospheric River

California’s two biggest reservoirs have risen by several feet since Sunday after yet another atmospheric river lashed the state with rain.

White House Is Distributing $5.8 Billion From The Infrastructure Law For Water Projects

The Biden administration announced Tuesday that it is distributing another $5.8 billion for water infrastructure projects around the country, paid for by one of its key legislative victories.

LAFCO’s Pivotal Review of San Diego County Water Authority: A Path Towards Sustainable Water Management

Amidst the complex tapestry of Southern California’s water management issues, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) embarks on a pivotal municipal service review (MSR) of the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA).