Tag Archive for: Water Tunnels

Newsom Backs One Water Tunnel, Curbing Brown Family Legacy

Sixty years ago, California voters approved Gov. Pat Brown’s plan for a 700-mile system of dams, water pumps and aqueducts to control flooding in Northern California and send water south to Los Angeles and San Diego. His son, Jerry, spent the better part of four terms as governor trying to expand his father’s work. On Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom effectively capped the Browns’ multi-generation effort, known as the State Water Project, the source of about a third of Southern California’s drinking water.


Gov. Newsom Seeks To Scale Back Bullet Train, Delta Tunnels Projects

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday called for scaling back California’s two largest public works projects — the bullet train and delta water tunnels. In his first State of the State address in Sacramento, Newsom said the $77 billion bullet train project approved by voters should be canceled after the segment from Merced to Bakersfield is completed. “Right now, there simply isn’t a path to get from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A.,” he said. “I wish there were.” Newsom also called for only one of two massive tunnels to be built to connect the water systems in northern and southern California.

OPINION: Gov. Brown Working To Save His Tunnels

In the world of water politics, where change occurs at a glacial pace, the past few weeks have seen enormous swings in how our state’s most precious resource is managed and delivered. The discussions behind these changes are not easily known and even less easy to understand what they ultimately will mean for cities, farms and, yes, fish in California as climate change accelerates. What is apparent however is that Gov. Jerry Brown is working hard to put his delta tunnels project on the glide path to the finish line before he leaves office in January.

Meet The New Entity In Charge Of California’s Water Tunnels Project

California is about to embark on one of the biggest public works projects not just in its own state history, but in any state’s history. The $17 billion WaterFix tunnel project was approved by the state Department of Water Resources in June 2017 after a decade of study, and now moves into the nitty gritty of construction planning.