Tag Archive for: National Science Foundation

UC San Diego Launches Two Projects on the Impact of Climate Change on Coastlines and People

The University of California San Diego has received two five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grants totaling $6.6 million to fund research hubs in Southern California and Puerto Rico.

High Performance Computing Makes a Splash in Water Cycle Science

The San Diego Supercomputer Center and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, both located at UC San Diego, have forded a stream between high-performance computing and water cycle science.

This summer, SDSC’s petascale Comet supercomputer—which can perform nearly 3 quadrillion operations per second—will conclude formal service as a National Science Foundation resource and transition to exclusive use by Scripps’ Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes. The transition enables CW3E researchers to leverage Comet’s computing capabilities to improve weather and hydrological forecasts with the goal of enhancing the decision-making process associated with reservoir management over California, which could result in increased water supply and reduced flood risk over the region.

UCSD Gets $39 Million Grant for Renewable Energy Testbed

UC San Diego will receive a $39 million grant to build a testbed to allow universities, utilities and industry leaders to gain a better understanding of how to integrate renewable energy resources into the power grid, it was announced Monday.