San Diego County / Southern California

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in the San Diego County region and Southern California.

Report: State Snowpack Levels Above Normal

Hundreds of miles away and nearly 7,000 feet up in the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the most recent snow survey delivers good news: The state’s snowpack is at 110% of normal, a good sign for the water supply.

California, San Diego Out of Drought Danger, For Now

Californians don’t have to worry too much about drought for the foreseeable future. The state’s Department of Water Resources said Tuesday’s snowpack survey revealed the snowfall in the Sierra Nevada mountains is above average at roughly 113%.

California Border School Districts Ask for Sewage State of Emergency to Protect Students’ Health

As of Monday morning, water tainted with untreated sewage from Mexico was flowing at 171 million gallons per day, according to the International Boundary and Water Commission. The IBWC is also reporting that so far this year, the transboundary volume in the Tijuana River has been 25.3 billion gallons, although it says the composition of […]

Why is San Vicente Reservoir So Full?

After two years of above-average rainfall, the reservoirs in San Diego are at near capacity.  San Vicente’s reservoir waterfalls are spilling in to help raise the water level, but what does that mean as we head into the Summer months?