San Diego County / Southern California

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in the San Diego County region and Southern California.

Column: Ellen DeGeneres Picks on the Wrong Guy to do the Dad Dab

“You with the purple shirt,” said Ellen DeGeneres, pointing at Jim Madaffer in her studio audience on Tuesday’s show. “We’re going to give you some music.” His assignment, as one of only a handful of “dads” in the talk host’s audience that day, was to do the “Dad Dab” dance. Thus, the chairman of the […]

Farmers Threaten Legal Action Over DCP

A group of farmers could be threatening a new lawsuit against the Imperial Irrigation District over its participation in the drought contingency plan meant to bolster water supplies at Lake Mead and help restore the Colorado River, according to IID officials. At the core of the threat, district officials said Wednesday night, is what IID […]

OPINION: With Disasters Rocking The State, California Needs To Remember The St. Francis Dam Failure

There is a quiet campaign underway in northern L.A. County that deserves the support of people across California. lThe Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society is pushing for the site of the St. Francis Dam to be declared a national memorial. The designation would commemorate both the dam and the more than 400 lives that were […]

Project to Turn Wastewater Into Drinking Water To Begin Construction in Spring 2019

The San Diego City Council voted Thursday to move forward with the Pure Water San Diego project, which intends to provide one-third of San Diego’s water supply by 2035. The vote allows the city to award contracts for the first phase of the project, which will involve pipeline construction to move wastewater from a planned pump station […]