EXPLAINER: Delta Conveyance Project

Trans-Delta System, Peripheral Canal, Bay Delta Conservation Plan, California Water Fix, and now, the Delta Conveyance Project – the idea of a canal to route water around the Delta is certainly not new. It was initially thought of as part of the master plan for the State Water Project but wasn’t included in the initial construction due to cost considerations. In the 1980s, plans were begun to construct such a canal, but it was put to a statewide vote, which was soundly defeated due to concerns about its potential impact on the Delta’s ecosystem and native fish populations.

Despite past setbacks and strong opposition, the idea of constructing a bypass around the Delta was never entirely abandoned. Over the years, it has continued to be a topic of intermittent discussion, with geography playing a significant role in the level of opposition. The most vocal opponents are often found in the northern part of the state, particularly within the Delta itself.