Tag Archive for: Wholesale Price

Wholesale Water Rates to Rise, But Less Sharply, After Water Authority Board Vote

Federal grant funds, a water transfer and budget cuts helped minimize wholesale water-rate increases for 2025 despite inflation and climate impacts that are pushing prices higher.

The San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors on Thursday approved a total increase of 14% in wholesale water rates for next year, while directing a one-year delay on a $7 million capital project and $2 million in additional cuts to the agency’s operating budget.

The Water Authority Punted on Extraordinary Rate Increases

After hours of debate, San Diego’s water importer (because the region has to buy most of its water from outside the county) decided to raise rates just a smidgen – and put off the doom-iest part of its proposed water price spike until next month.

Why? Well, a lot of local water district representatives (there are 33) weren’t comfortable with how the city of San Diego (the region’s biggest and most powerful water buyer) wanted to try and stave off bigger rate increases. And the city, which has the power to ram through anything it wants, hit the pause button instead.

Water Rates Look Poised to go up – But Not as Steeply as Feared.

Local water bills might not be going up quite as sharply next year as expected.

The County Water Authority’s board tentatively shrank a proposed rate hike for wholesale water from 18 percent to 14 percent on Thursday — despite concerns the move could hurt the water authority’s credit rating. An increase in wholesale rates will force nearly every local water agency to pass on the extra costs to its customers, but just how much gets passed on could vary widely.