Tag Archive for: Tim Smith

Otay Water District to Discuss Replacement Process for Board of Directors Division One Seat Aug. 7

The Otay Water District announced that board member Tim Smith, representing division one, has resigned from the Otay board of directors after nearly a decade of service to the community on water issues.
Smith was first elected to the Otay board in December 2014 and has successfully been re-elected to the office since. His resignation, effective August 2, was formally submitted in a letter. The Otay board will discuss the process for selecting a replacement, either by appointment or election, to serve the remaining two years of Smith’s term during its meeting on August 7.
Otay Water District Logo

Otay Water District Board Elects Tim Smith as 2021 Board President

Spring Valley, Calif. – At its December meeting, the Otay Water District Board of Directors elected new officers to lead the District’s Board for 2021. The board elected board member Tim Smith, who represents division 1, as president. The board also elected board member Mark Robak, serving division 5, as vice president and Jose Lopez, serving division 4, as treasurer.