San Diego County / Southern California

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in the San Diego County region and Southern California.

Lessons from Orange County, California’s Water Strategy

Water is a serious issue for the cities of the world. Even in a wealthy nation such as the United States, people die from toxic water in Flint, Michigan, confront megadroughts in Los Angeles, face salinated aquifers in Miami and worry in Omaha about oil pipeline spills in the Ogallala aquifer. The American Society of […]

Storm Departs Leaving Cool, Dry Weather

A Christmas Eve winter storm drenching Holiday Bowl fans and dropping varying amounts of rain countywide — and snow in the mountains above 4,000 feet — has departed leaving cool, dry conditions, the National Weather Service said Tuesday. “A very dry, continental air mass has now moved in,” NWS forecaster Joe Dandrea said. “Amounts were anywhere from a trace, to […]

Wind Replaces Wet as San Diego County Welcomes the New Year

2018 went out wet in San Diego County. 2019 comes in windy. Strong winds are expected in the county mountains from early morning New Year’s Day through early afternoon, with some spots seeing gusts of 45 mph. The inland valleys could see 25 mph gusts Tuesday, and 15 mph gusts are possible at the coast. […]

Environment Report: Big Northern California Water Deals Will Trickle Down to San Diego

In this week’s Environment Report, let’s focus on an issue that doesn’t always get much attention in Southern California: the rivers of Northern California. Every so often, people get together and divide a river. That’s been happening a lot lately in the final throes of Gov. Jerry Brown’s term. State and federal water officials have […]