California and the U.S.

The latest news and analysis covering water issues in Caliornia and the rest of the United States.

Atmospheric Rivers Hit California

California needs an average of three atmospheric rivers annually to reach its average yearly rainfall. So far this year, the state has seen an incredible 46 atmospheric rivers. This intense rainfall has pushed much of California out of longstanding drought conditions. California Ag Today spoke with Steve Johnson, a private meteorologist for farmers in California. […]

Bay Area May Be All But Done With Rain Until Fall

The time to put away the umbrella may have arrived. After a seven-month stretch that set rainfall records in some parts of Northern California, what could be the last rainfall of the season will brush the Bay Area on Wednesday. It will probably be limited to the North Bay, and even there, it doesn’t look […]

California Water Chief: Oroville Emergency Spillway Worked

The head of California’s water agency on Tuesday repeated his assertion that an emergency spillway at the Oroville Dam worked, drawing an incredulous response from a state lawmaker who represents tens of thousands of people ordered to evacuate when it was feared erosion at the spillway could lead to catastrophic flooding. Bill Croyle, acting director […]

Jerry Couchman: State Water Policies Are Endangering Our Farmers, Again

In 1994 an immigrant from Thailand purchased 720 acres near Bakersfield. He intended to grow vegetables and began preparing to plant his crops. At that point, federal and state agents descended by air and ground to arrest him and hauled away the equipment. They said he was destroying the environment of the endangered kangaroo rat, […]

Record California Rains Could Drive Up Vegetable Prices

Record rains are a double-edged sword for California’s Salinas Valley: While the recent deluge virtually ended the state’s historic drought, it also created muddy, unworkable fields – sending prices for everything from kale to cauliflower soaring. The famed agricultural region just south of Silicon Valley is usually a springtime sea of green vegetables. But this […]

Editorial: Oroville Is A Model Of How NOT To Deal With A Flood Emergency

A case in point is how the state Department of Water Resources has handled Lake Oroville for years. It continues despite considerable public and political pressure since the spillway collapse. Two developments last week perfectly illustrate the point. One involves awarding a nine-figure bid to a company to fix the spillway without any detail about what the […]