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Major Quake Disaster in Southern California Could Cause $300 Billion in Losses

Mexico City’s earthquake disaster is a reminder of the serious risk of Southern California’s “Big One” striking at any time and causing widespread damage that some estimate could approach upwards of $300 billion. Experts say Southern California is long overdue for a major earthquake along the 800-mile San Andreas Fault, which could cause extensive damage and loss of life to the nation’s second-largest city and the region.

Feinstein Contends that Cadiz Project Would Contaminate Water Supply

As the Cadiz project seems increasingly likely to go forward, Sen. Dianne Feinstein issued a statement contending the underground desert water could ultimately contaminate much of Southern California’s water supply. The project involves the transfer of ancient groundwater in a remote part of San Bernardino County’s Mojave Desert to parts of Orange County and other locations, where it could serve as many as 400,000 people.

State Supreme Denies San Diego County Water Authority Request to Review Appellate Court’s Rate Decision

Today the California Supreme Court denied a request by the San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) to reverse a Court of Appeals decision in June that allows the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) to include its State Water Project costs in rates it charges to transport CWA’s independent Colorado River supplies through MWD’s pipeline and aqueduct.