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Relining of Pipelines Crossing Hwy. 76 in 2016-17 Aqueduct Operating Plan

The San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) annually develops an Aqueduct Operating Plan which was presented to the CWA’s Engineering and Operations Committee during the committee’s June 25 meeting, and the CWA plans to shut down its three Second Aqueduct pipelines which cross State Route 76 for inspection of the new relining. The presentation, which was a non-voting item for the committee and full CWA board, covered the Aqueduct Operating Plan (AOP) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017.

The Drought’s Water-Rate Paradox

When water use goes down, water prices go up. It’s a maddening paradox San Diegans have dealt with for the past year. When Gov. Jerry Brown last year ordered Californians to use 25 percent less water, water agencies saw their sales plunge and holes open up in their balance sheets. So they raised rates. Short showers, brown lawns and dirty cars were rewarded with stubbornly high bills.The state recently relaxed those water rules because rain and snow this winter refilled rivers and reservoirs.

Gov. Brown Makes Some Temporary State Water Limits Permanent: Cites Likelihood that Drought Will Continue

Citing California’s five-year drought, Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order making some of the state’s temporary water restrictions permanent. Permanently banned are wasteful practices such as hosing off driveways and washing cars with hoses that lack shut-off nozzles. The governor credited Californians with having accomplished significant water conservation, saving 1.3-million-acre-feet of water from June 2015 to March 2016 with statewide cumulative savings in the same period of 23.9 percent compared to the same period in 2013. Nevertheless, the governor concluded water savings must continue statewide.

Food Manufacturers Focus on Saving Water

California’s drought is in its fifth year. While that has prompted many businesses to change their operations, looking for ways to use water more efficiently has long been a priority in the Valley’s food manufacturing sector. “It has always made good economic sense for manufacturers to carefully manage their water use,” said California Manufacturers & Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock. “For decades they’ve been investing in water-saving technologies and best practices to significantly reduce water use.” She added that California companies are more competitive because they’ve reduced their water bills and lowered energy costs used in water treatment or disposal.

OPINION: San Diego County Embraces Water-Use Efficiency as a Way of Life (by Mark Weston)

When I walk around my neighborhood, it’s clear that a new level of commitment to water-use efficiency has taken hold at the grassroots level. About half the homes around me have upgraded from conventional turf-based landscapes to attractive, low-water landscapes that are more appropriate for the climate of San Diego County. I see the same phenomenon across the county; residents and businesses are making the most of our water supplies like never before. In fact, we collectively use nearly 40 percent less potable water per capita today than we did in 1990.

BLOG: MWD Rolls the Dice with Our Water Supplies During Drought

One would think an agency caught in the grips of one of the worst droughts California has ever seen would handle and account for its water supply with extreme prudence.  And yet, in attempting to avoid mandatory conservation measures, the Metropolitan Water District has grossly overestimated its projected water supplies when performing a state-required “stress test” to model water conditions in 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Relining of Pipelines Crossing Hwy. 76 in 2016-17 Aqueduct Operating Plan

The San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) annually develops an Aqueduct Operating Plan which was presented to the CWA’s Engineering and Operations Committee during the committee’s June 25 meeting, and the CWA plans to shut down its three Second Aqueduct pipelines which cross State Route 76 for inspection of the new relining. The presentation, which was a non-voting item for the committee and full CWA board, covered the Aqueduct Operating Plan (AOP) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017.