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EPA sued over fracking waste-disposal rules amid worry over earthquakes

Environmental groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday to force new regulations on the disposal of waste generated by hydraulic fracturing.

The injection of hundreds of millions of gallons of wastewater from fracking into underground wells has been linked to numerous earthquakes in Kansas and several other states.

The suit calls for the EPA to update waste disposal rules that are decades old and precede the recent oil and gas boom made possible by fracking and horizontal drilling techniques.

Felicia Marcus: Controlling the Spigot in California

As chairwoman of the California Water Resources Control Board, Marcus has the unenviable task of trying to please an array of competing interests in a state that has battled drought. She says she has tried to be “sensitive to what the legitimate interests were of the other people in the circle.” 

Someone who likes to make enemies would be hard-pressed to find a more perfect job than running the agency that tells folks in parched California that they can’t water their lawns.